The Stars Of Tonight - Chapter 6 - Part 1

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When we get to the Manor, I look up right at it, with now seeing the outside of it before hand, as when the meeting happened, I only saw the living room, hall way and dinning room

When the doors open the Manor is more bright and lit up, compaired to the dark gloomy hallways that I bet are put into effect when the meeting happen to make a scene and a point across especially the dark horrible, discussion that happen within the meeting

I notice the Manor has those two typical straight case look with a very large ball room looking front which the front door leads straight into not giving it any time to process it all

I look around the room, loving the white stone floor with amazing painting, I assume are famous people or people that are within the family painted upon the walls


Draco- he smiles "indeed, my love, this is only just one room of the Manor, you might of only see this room, the halls, the living room and dinning room but theirs many more amazing and interesting rooms within this Manor, that my father will be fine with you exploring"

Lucius- he walks into the room "of course my hopefully future son in-law can wander around and look into any roo in the house, the only room obviously that will be off will be some of the bedrooms in the house. Ever bedroom that is active has names on them, so you will know which one you can go into or can't go into. You will have a bedroom of your own but obviously I assume you will be majority of the time but it's their incase you need it, especially when arguments happen. Usually even when having arguments with my wife, we end up in the same bed but she has her own room just incase plus majority of her bedroom is one large walking wardrobe in anyway more than it is a bedroom but a place full of her famous, jewelry and makeup"

Harry- I smile "thank you, Mr Malfoy, for allowing me to go where I want within your place of home, yes at first I will feel nervous about it but will eventually be alright and relax within the Manor especially since I have grown up in a very, very small home in the past and at hogwarts share a small room with four other, used be five until I killed off Weasley"

Lucius- "well we hope that soon you will be happy and relaxed here, just please don't go killing around or torturing people please within my home, even the dark lord has to follow that rule"

Harry- "bet he was impressed about that rule"

Voldemort- "no I wasn't but this isn't my home and Lucius here has done alot for me"

Lucius- "speaking of my name, you don't have to call me Mr Malfoy, I understand if you are uncomfortable about it, but please call me Lucius, my wife would love you to call her by her name as well, Narcissia but don't worry if you don't feel comfortable enough and call us by Mr or Mrs Malfoy but we hope one day you will call us by our names"

Voldemort- "I obviously Tom and future wise father or dad with whoever you call father, meaning me or Severus"

Harry- I nod "I understand, so don't be calling me Potter please, call me Harry"

Lucius- "now Draco, please show Harry here his room and obviously your room"

Draco- he nods "yes father" before he takes Harry's hand and takes him up the very, very many flights of stairs

He chuckles at Harry pending over trying to caught his breath one how many stairs we had to take, unfortunately he is used to it unlike Harry

"Come on, once you get into either our or your room you can happily sit down for a few minutes to catch your breath"

Harry- I nod and retake his hand as we head down the corridor. These corridors are way too long as it took atleast another five minutes until we get to my room

I push open the doors and look inside, oh my god its massive and beautiful. The room has shelves of books, with two large window which between those windows is a large queen size bed with beautiful black and blood red sheets. The walls all looks like wood and the floor is a nice white fluffy carpet. The curtains on the window are a nice white net curtain with, large white ones that Sheild when sun light, if I wished to sleep during the day without the light distracting me or waking me up.

I head into the bathroom seeing is all a nice marble like design before heading to the large walking wardrobe that it's it's large is has a circle fluffy seat in the middle of it

I turn to Draco "this is amazing"

Draco- "I am glad you like it, I picked out the colours and everything else, obviously I am going to give you all my magazines which I have way too many off and you can pick out your outfits, don't worry about the prices because you can either use my money or yours"

Harry- I smile "thank you draco"

Draco- he walks over kissing the boy "your welcome my love"



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