nuh uh 😨 (part 33)

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You froze.

'Fuck me sideways with a chainsaw.' You thought, eyeing the woman's serious expression. 'The hell do I say?!'— "What are you talking about?" 'Wow, real nice, (Y/n). Original as fuck.'

The woman let out a mildly frustrated sigh, as if she knew you'd say that, before rolling her eyes and grabbing onto your bicep, her freshly done acrylic set caught your eye as she dug them into your skin.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be, Ms. (L/n)." She tugged onto your arm, dragging you into your house and pushing you onto the living room couch, you looked up at her with a solid straight face.

"Where'd you get your nails done?" You ask nonchalantly, grabbing her hand to display her acrylics. Black and gold, with tiny gems coating the top. Expensive looking silver dressed her slender fingers with very rich looking diamonds implanted in the crests. You knew she had the money, so she was probably a highly paid P.I. or involved with some other cultish government bullshit.

That overpaid her for being a bitch.

"Wha- AW! Girl I got them done at Sally's Saloon downtown."

You blinked at her statement, the sudden change in her mood from deathly serious to girls girl shocked you to say the least, "Oh!-" you say, trying to act like it didn't surprise you. "Well, they're pretty!" You adjusted yourself on the couch as she sat by you, smiling.

Her strong perfume tickled your nose.

"Thanks, I just got them done, and none of my stinky coworkers noticed. Crazy." She chuckled, twirling her bright red hair. Her elbow propped up her knee to support herself as she smiled at you. Her vampire teeth looked sharper than a normal persons, the one of the right replaced with silver. "Girl talk, right?"

Fake tooth? Grills? Gyat damn.

You nodded.

"Why do you protect those disgusting killers, anyways." Great. She's all moody again. Her meekish mood was yet again scary mean woman. Her dark brows folded down on her eyelids.

You weren't stupid, well... That stupid. And she certainly wasn't. There's no point in lying, "Uh, I don't know.." You trailed off, staring at the vase of dead flowers on the coffee table, "I don't know. I guess cause they protected me? Girl imma be honest I don't know how I even got involved with those morons, it all just happened like a year ago-"

"But being involved with them got you in trouble with that one demon guy. Didn't it." She stated more than questioned you.

"Mhm." You nodded, feeling tired. "Then I... escaped? He let me go? Rescued? I don't remember. I'm exhausted, can I go take a nap."

"NO. What is wrong with you-"

    "Ughhh, I'm literally just a girl. In a world. I'm just so sleepy. I need my Sunday snooze."

Sharp pains hit the sides of your jaw, just below your ears. Her nails were digging into your skin.

"Stop playing 'dumb-bitch.' You can't avoid bullshit. You're part of this, miss (Y/n)."

You winced. You felt a headache coming on. Maybe you need some Ibuprofen or coffee-


Her eyes widened, barely blinking from the shockingly loud noise, "What was that? miss (Y/n)-"

A familiar metallic swishing and stomping sounded upstairs. From your room. You furrowed your brows, the woman looked at the ceiling as dust shook from it. What was up there?

Mom! I'm Texting Serial Killers! (Creepypasta x reader) Where stories live. Discover now