Whoa what hi?? Also heres my robot friendo!!

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(Sit down and get some soda, popcorn and a blanket, cause this'll be a loNG ASS CHAPTER! Seriously it'll take awhile to read especially if your a slow reader like moi. Also I'm ttttooooooo lazy to edit it right now so I'm sorry for spelling errors! I'll edit it later! Tomorrow I'm doing the Easter special.)

(Edit because I'm too lazy to delete the note I left above, I did edit this chapter! Yay! Your Author isn't as lazy after all!)

Enjoy the shøw, (Y/n)


(n/Y) ,wohs eht yojnE

You stretched, groaning in pleasure at the bones cracking satisfyingly in your body.

'I should probably start packing...' You thought, grumbling. You've always hated packing.

You shuffled lazily over to your closet, yanking it open—

"HI, (Y/N)!!" Leo tackled you to the ground, causing a loud thud and a raspy yelp to come from you.

He was on top of you, as you simply laid on the ground accepting your defeat. Sighing.

"Soooo!" He cooed, resting his chin on your chest... which was awkward enough, "you have the entire house to yourself for two weeks! Are you gunna invite any of the Creeps over? Oh! What about the hot chicks down the road me and Kage stalked—" you grunted, cutting him off by shoving your palm in his face and pushing him off of you.

"OW!—" he scrunched his face at you, rubbing his nose in pain. You did push hard, after all.

You grumbled, standing up, "I'm not inviting anyone over!" You spat at the boy sitting before you, his legs crossed as he pinched his nose whilst glaring at you.

"I'm staying at the Creeps' mansion this week, actually. They need all the help they can get with Splendors part—"

"OH! Can I help?" He beamed at you, releasing his nose and jumping up at an alarmingly fast rate, before grabbing ahold of your shoulders and smiling the biggest, goofiest smile even Satan himself couldn't resist.

Wait even Zalgo couldn't resist Le—

"PLEEEEEEEEEEAAASSSEEE!" He pouted, his lower lip popping out as he lowered his antenna, clasping his gloved hands together as his grey and blue eyes became filled with emotion, big and watery.

Shit what is this kid doing to you—

"N..." you paused, hesitant, before making a blank poker-face, "no—"

"WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" He gasped in shock, placing a hand on his heart dramatically and leaning on you for support, whilst "crying", "I'LL DO EVERYTHING YOU TELL ME TO DO FOR A WEEK!" He perked up, a mischievous glint in his eye as he presented the bargain.

You furrowed your eyebrows in thought, rubbing your index finger and your thumb across your chin, humming considerably.

"Two weeks." You smirked, before sticking out your pinky finger.

He gave you a confused look before shaking his head, nodding. "Two weeks. But two weeks only!" He grumbled, before wrapping his pinky finger around yours, shaking your hands in agreement.

You basically signed a "treaty" with him.

But in a way "sophisticated" toddlers do.

Mom! I'm Texting Serial Killers! (Creepypasta x reader) Where stories live. Discover now