shadow wizard money gang 🥶🥶 we love casting spells‼️‼️

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'Meeting outside by the pit at 7:00. Someone, bring (Y/n).'

The fuck you weren't.

Ignoring the text, you heard Leo groan as he lost the seventh round of tic-tac-toe, allowing you to victoriously eat a fry from his McDonald's meal.

What a loser.

     You both laughed, enjoying your food as soft music played on the radio. As nice and relaxing as it was, of course, there was a tension in the air. After all, it has been eight months.

      "Hey.. (Y/n)," he said, sipping a can of diesel (which for him, is the equivalent to alcohol for humans.. he runs on gas and oil okay-) "What.." he paused, looking at you intently, as if thinking how to say his next words carefully, "What happened to you, like, when Zalgo kept you captive?"

       You paused, feeling your mood die down a bit at the mention of that dumb demons name. Sure, you weren't under the absolute worst torture imaginable... But it was still pretty damn awful for you. No contact with the outside world for months, no proper food, no clean water, no family, no friends... No memes. No stupid memes.

      You looked to the side, playing with the aux cord connected to your phone, "Ah, not much. I wasn't like, hurt 24/7
or anything. I just chilled in my cell and ate waffles and did absolutely nothing. Like, at all." You laughed, ignoring the memories of you sobbing on the floor until you physically couldn't produce a tear,

      "Uh, not a great experience. Rate it a 2/10?" You smiled painfully, chuckling a bit. Although, Leo saw through your facade the genuine hurt you held. It was a traumatic experience, of course. For anyone.

      There was a slight pause before anyone said anything else, but it was a comfortable silence. One of deeper thought.

"Do you think maybe you need to leave?"



      Your face scrunched into that of confusion. Leave? What does he mean by leave? Leave what?

       "Leave this behind, (Y/n). Maybe it's time. You can't keep living like this much longer." He sighed, his voice crackling a bit. He sounded tired, or maybe older? Maybe his voice box is worn.

       "Is your voice box broken-" "(Y/n!)"
"No!" You raised your voice, shocking Leo a bit, but not enough to the point he showed it. You even shocked yourself, realizing you yelled. You never yelled, not like that. "God, no. I'm sorry Leo-" You huffed, slinking back into your seat with a defeated huff, Leo knew it was hard for you. "No, no. I don't have anywhere to go... I can't leave this place, anyways. I'm positive Zalgo would just find me and kill me. I at least have the Creeps to protect me while i'm here," you fidgeted with your torn up fingers, broken and dry sky. You looked so nervous and tired.

You just wanted to eat, man.

       "Okay, (Y/n). Whatever you think is best!" Leo smiled. His smile never changed, it was still so pretty and clean. "We do need to go back to the mansion and get you cleaned up, though-" He winced at your pissed side-eye, before you broke a smile and laughed at his reaction, playfully slapping his shoulder.

       "Okay then, let's go! You drive, Imma finish this fucking McChicken it's been months it's so good-"


"Do you think she's okay?"

"Unfortunately, she is not."

Slender turned his body to the shorter boy, placing his hands behind his back as he towered over him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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