Plans of Escape (1)

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My name is Blake Daniels. I am a part of the RedMoon Pack. My father, Gideon Daniels, was the previous Alpha.

Before the Beta murdered him.

That was years ago, when I was just a pup, around 6 years old. My mother, Lidia Daniels, died the day I was born.

I guess Dave didn't have the stomach to kill a child, an orphan. And that's why he let me live.

Or maybe it was the special interest he took in me that saved my life.

Not much of a life worth living, if you ask me. Ever since my father died, he's taken my bloodright to the Alpha title, keeping me locked in the cold basement of our Pack House, demoting me to an Omega. He uses me for most of the chores, among other unfortunate things. Otherwise, I don't really get to socialize with any of our Pack members. When I do, it's rarely pleasant.

Most of them know what Alpha Dave did and choose to turn a blind eye. Preferring to keep the peace rather than make a stand. Their safety over mine.

While he's only one man, his influence is greatly felt. Even despite that, I will never understand the disrespect these people put on my fathers name, on his bloodline. On me. They've made me into nothing. Less than nothing.

I'm worthless.

The only thing I'm good for is the occasional blowjob and keeping him happy. My body shuddered in response to that thought, the things he made me do.

What he's made me become.

My breath hitched in my throat when I heard the basement door slowly slide open, light from the hallway casting down into the room. I lay on the small mattress in one the corners, across from the stairs.

I swallowed the air in my mouth, biting my bottom lip as I waited to hear his footsteps.

The metal table to my left had restraints welded to its sides, two at the end, two in the middle, two at the top, and a very special one, his favorite, that's angled perfectly to wrap around my neck. He had other various things to use for bondage, and lots of anchors in the walls around me, leaving him with almost limitless options on where to string me up.

In the final corner of the room, was the shower. Ugly blueish tiles lined the wall, a small curtain wrapping around it in a square to form a sense of 'privacy.'

He walked down the stairs slowly, as if to torture me with the anticipation. He liked to toy with my mind as much as my body, leaving me completely and utterly at his disposal.

And why not? I have no family, no mate, nothing really worth living for. I couldn't tell you how many different ways I've thought of to end my life. Never quite having the courage to go through with it.

"Blake, darling," His voice came out gruff, his attempt at singing out my name failing, "I've got something extra special planned for tonight."

The pattern of his boots clanking down the steps was deafening to my ears, hearing him grow closer. I tried to make myself as small as possible, wrapping the sheet tightly around my body. My pale skin blended in perfectly with my surroundings, shielded from the sun. Plain, boring. My hair, in contrast, was very dark. It caused me to stand out in the almost sterile feeling room, no sense of comfort in sight. My once curious and vibrant green eyes now seemed dark and hollow, void.

I could feel my body shivering as I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, praying to the Moon Goddess that he would just leave me alone, or end my suffering.

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. His heavy footsteps stopped at the end of the mattress and I could feel the weight of his gaze. I tried to control the reaction my body was having, my entire being tense, hands clutching the sheet as if my life depended on it.

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