Learing to Cope (4)

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Waking up was much easier this time, my eyes blinking open and adjusting to the natural light coming in through the window.

The headache I had from yesterday was gone, I felt better than expected. Refreshed, almost. I noticed the bag of fluids above me was nearly empty.

Sitting up in the bed, rubbing the leftover sleep from my eyes, I pressed the call button behind me.

It didn't take long for Lily to come into the room, a warm smile on her face and IV bag in hand. That familiar crinkle in her eyes.

"Good morning love, I hope you slept well!" Her voice was too cheerful for my tastes, especially this early in the morning. Nevertheless, I returned her smile.

"I did, thank you." She walked over to the IV, unhooking the empty bag and replacing it with the full one.

Without another word, she sat down on the chair at my side, her eyes meeting mine expectantly.

"Uhm?" I laughed awkwardly, raising my eyebrow at her in question.

"I just thought, maybe, you might find it easier to open up to me, than to Micah." She sounded almost sheepish, like she was unsure of herself. It didn't seem natural on her, at all.

"I just have a few questions, if that's alright." The look on her face was something I don't think I've ever seen before, patience in her eyes. I looked away from her, placing my gaze on my fingers as I toyed with them in my lap.

"What do you want to know?" I still couldn't look up to her, the expression she was making left me feeling uncomfortable. I'm not used to people caring. Let alone enough to ask about me.

"Well, for starters, we can talk about what landed you here in the first place?" Her voice carried this tone whenever she spoke, I can't place exactly how it sounds but it feels caring, loving even.

It didn't stop the anxiety rising in my throat though. My teeth found their way to my bottom lip, snagging it in their grasp. I was so used to it being busted that I couldn't even really feel the pain anymore, the taste of blood being the only thing to give it away.

"The... Alpha of my old Pack. He-" I had to stop myself short, already feeling panic drop to the bottom of my stomach, squeezing my eyes closed.

I jumped when her hands grabbed mine, holding them softly in her grasp. She offered me another smile, that same look in her eyes.

"Take your time love. Any information you're willing to share will be more than enough. And if you really don't want to, we absolutely do not have to talk about it." Her voice reassured me, her acceptance of whatever decision I chose gave me a slight confidence boost.

"Dave... killed my father. He was the Alpha of our Pack. Before, I mean. My mom died giving birth to me. Dave has..." I paused again, blinking away the tears in my eyes and swallowing the lump in my throat, "He's kept me hidden away, locked in the basement of the Main House. Mostly he just made me keep the place clean and cook for everyone. My friend, Amethyst, she helped me escape. That's when I met Micah. And here we are." I gestured around the room, a bitter laugh leaving my lips as the tears started to spill down my cheeks.

Lily didn't speak, causing me to peek a glance at her, wondering what she was thinking. If she would remind me of just how pathetic my life is.

She didn't though, instead saying,

"I think you must be very brave to have gotten away from him, Blake. You should be very proud of yourself." She brought one hand up to my face, I tried to control the urge to flinch away from her, failing to do so as she brushed away some of my tears, offering me a small smile. She looked almost... sad?

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