Chapter IV

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(A/n) = author's note
(Y/n) = your name
(H/c) = hair colour
(E/c) = eye colour
(S/t) = smaller or taller

Shells Town, the 153rd Marine Branch. There, Marines walked with straight and even steps. That's where Luffy decided to go. They were looking up at an enormous poster of an old man with a gray beard and a white mustache.

Under it was a range of wanted posters. The first of Bellamy, then Foxy's one and the next, one of Buggy.

"I didn't know there were so many pirates!" Luffy exclaimed. "There are way worse pirates on the Grand Line", Koby told him. "It's terrible", he added, backing away a bit as Luffy looked at the posters with a large smile.

"Yeah." The boy in a straw hat walked closer to the poster wall. "Yeah. I know, right?" His smile faded when he noticed an important detail. "Where's my face?"

He turned around, sighing. "Well, there's only one way I'm gonna get inside that base. And it's not on an empty stomach." His smile returned as he took off running "Come on!" He called for Koby. Only, the lavender haired boy noticed something that before was hidden behind Luffy; the wanted poster of Alvida.

The two were sitting at a table inside a bar. Koby was eating with chopsticks as Luffy was licking what remained on his plate. A waitress came with another batch of onigiri. "We already have our food", informed Koby but Luffy cutted him off. "No, more is better. More is better", he told the waitress as he noticed she had stopped in her mouvements. "You gotta feed the brain", he said, turning to Koby. (A/n: What an inspiring sentence)

The waitress left and Luffy took an onigiri. "All right, so...", the boy started. "I can't get inside the base though the gate, but maybe... maybe... maybe what if I get inside flying?" He brainstormed. "I can grab onto a bird or something," he explained further as Koby looked at him incredulously. "That's a terrible idea... keep your voice down."

The doors of the bar opened and the green haired swordsman entered carrying a bag which seemed to be containing a body. He walked up to the counter, dragging the bag.

He took the corpse and sat it on a stool then spoke to a bartender. "A bottle for me, and one for my friend." The bartender looked at the sack with red hair sticking out from it. "He's had a rough day." The bartender got the bottles and placed them in front of the man.

At the end of the counter, two little girls peaked at the green haired man. The one in front had dark eyes and brown curly hair and the one looking above her shoulder had (h/c) hair and shiny (e/c) eyes. She also held a stuffed white rabbit.

Zoro noticed them, causing the two girls to giggle and walk away. "You should get him to taste your cooking", the (s/t) girl whispered to the other. "I will", she whispered back, smiling at her.

A Marine approached the tangerine haired woman who was leaning against a pillar, a glass in hand. "Hi", the man greeted her awkwardly. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked.

The woman looked him up and down. "Too tall", she commented, looking the other way. Her eyes landed on another Marine with an obvious baldness that was walking near.

The Marine hurried to walk in between the taller Marine and the woman, not wanting to bother them. The tangerine haired woman got to her feet, looking at the man who passed and went up to him.

She leaned on the counter next to the small Marine. "You like rum?", she asked him. "Yeah, sure. As much as the next guy", he answered. "I'm not asking the next guy" she stated flirtatiously.

The curly haired girl went up to the swordsman, a plate in hand. The other one looked at them from the end of the counter. The girl with the plate stood in front of the man proudly. The (s/t) girl was quick to join her friend's side.

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