Chapter XVII

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The group walked across a shipyard full of workers making numerous boats. Their jobs were various, from sanding wood pieces to tying together different ropes to hold the mast correctly.

"Look at 'em all", Luffy commented as (y/n) watched in awe the gigantic even if unfinished boats. "How much do these cost?" Zoro asked. "If you have to ask, you can't afford it", Nami replied.

"Okay, so we need to get one with a very, very impressive figurehead", Luffy declared. "At least two- No, no, three masts! And a really high crow's nest", he added to Nami who looked exhausted from his requests.

Meanwhile, behind Luffy and Nami, (y/n) was constantly tugging on Zoro's hand as she pointed at even bigger and fancier boats each time.

"We are not gonna be able to sail a ship anywhere near that size", Nami explained. "There's only four of us, without counting (y/n's) plushies", she added.

"Three of us right now", Luffy hinted at the fact that he could find a whole crew of pirates. "Well, unless you can find another weird, desperate soul to help us", Nami said.

"Speak for yourself", Zoro called from the back, getting backed up by the "yuh-huh" of (y/n).

"Listen. We are going to need something a little less flashy if we want to sneak out of here", Nami advised. Luffy paused. "You want to steal a ship?" he asked, stunned.

"How else did you expect us to get one?" Nami scoffed as she stopped too. "I don't know. But we can't steal one", Luffy disagreed. "What kind of pirate are you?" Nami asked.

Luffy's brows furrowed. "A ship is not just a ship. It's part of our crew", he explained seriously as it was something important to him. "We need to find the perfect one. And we're gonna get it the right way", he assured.

(Y/n) looked up briefly at Zoro, a bit perplexed about the scene unfolding. "Okay, pitch that to the salesman. I'm sure that'll win him over", Nami argued. Luffy's frown turned into his usual smile as he didn't quite catch the sarcasm. "Exactly", he confirmed before beginning to walk again.

(Y/n) left Zoro's side to follow Luffy. As for Zoro and Nami, they stayed in place. The woman sighed. "So what are we actually gonna do?" Zoro asked to Nami. "Find a ship and see how lax the security is around here", she answered, still being her plan to steal the boat.

Zoro nodded vaguely. "Got it", he agreed before they both walked after the optimistic duo ahead.

Luffy and (y/n) walked along a plank of wood before slowing down when they came across a nearly finished boat with a sheep as its figurehead. (Y/n) stopped to admire the ship from a distance while Luffy climbed up the temporary stairs built around it.

The pirate then stood right under the figurehead. He reached for the sculpted sheep head, brushing his fingertips against the white painted wood.

"Real beauty, huh?" a voice spoke up. Luffy's eyes stayed connected to the figurehead as (y/n) jogged up to him. "You can talk?", he asked, amazed. "Luffy, no", the young girl intervened.

A man wearing brown clothes and holding a dirty cloth and a metallic tool appeared on the boat's deck. "Over here," he called, getting Luffy's attention who got away from the figurehead to speak to the new person.

"This ship is amazing", Luffy commented. "Yeah", the man approved, wiping his cloth on the fence. "What can you tell me about her?", the boy in the straw hat questioned.

The stranger looked at the distance with a smirk proudly. "Caravel class, top-of-the-line. Ninety-six feet of pure luxury", he began to list like a salesman. "Whipstaff rudder, full galley. Cannon decks fore and aft", he added with a chef's kiss.

With her lack of knowledge in this domain, (y/n) had no idea what he was talking about, but Luffy answered all of her questions without knowing by asking "Is she fast?"

"The fastest", the man assured. "Not a ship in the East Blue can keep up with this baby", he added, tapping the fence he was still leaning on. "She's perfect!" Luffy exclaimed, satisfied.

"There you are", Nami interrupted from under as she and Zoro approached on the path of brick. "Oh, hey!" (Y/n) hurried down the stairs to join them.

"Guys! I found it", Luffy declared, talking about the boat. "I found our ship", he added as he got off the platform. "And this guy will sell it to us."

Nami looked uncertain as for Zoro, he was as unbothered as always. The man on the deck began to stammer as he too got back to the ground. "Huh, wait what?"

"Yeah", Luffy turned to him. "The ship, we'll take it", he concluded. "Technically, she's not for sale", the man interrupted, getting Luffy confused.

"And technically, I'm not a salesman", he added with a sorry smile. (Y/n) gave a suspicious stare to the man. "Do you work here?" Nami asked doubtfully. "Of course I do", he answered without hesitation. "I'm Chief Technician in charge of encrustation removal and aviary waste eradication", he explained.

Luffy and (y/n) stared at the stranger with confused expressions. "Encru what?" Luffy asked. "He scrubs barnacles and cleans bird shit", Zoro reformulated. "He can't help us", Nami summarized.

"Wait, wait, wait! I can help you", the man proclaimed before Nami could turn around and leave. "The owner of this ship just happens to be my closest friend in the world", he added.

"Your friend owns this ship?" Nami questioned, still not convinced. "Not just this one. She owns the whole shipyard", the man bragged. "She's rich rich."

"Oh", Luffy exclaimed in a hushed tone, impressed. "I'm sure you could strike a deal with her", the man still tried to pursue them. "See?" Luffy told Nami, lifting his arm slightly before lowering them to his side, the man standing next to him doing the same.

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to say hello", Nami gave in.

The man led the way, Luffy and (y/n) quickly catching up to him, the two others walking behind. "What's your name?" Luffy asked the man who answered "I'm Usopp."

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy! And this is (y/n)," he then turned around, walking backwards. "This is Zoro and this is Nami", he introduced.

"Is your friend as rich as a princess?", (y/n) asked eagerly to Usopp. "She is a princess", he replied. "And she lives in the most luxurious castle", he added.

(Y/n) was amazed by the fact that she was going to meet a 'princess' and she ran to Zoro and Nami, excitedly telling them about the castle.


I gotta go to sleep but i'm not feeling like sleeping

it would be very nice to leave the little star thingy :))

have a good day/nighttt <33

words: 1166

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