Chapter XVIII

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I've never seen a house this big before", Luffy commented. "Is this a castle?", (y/n) asked as Usopp walked past them both. "Of course! Have you never seen a castle?" Usopp replied to her.

"Well, no", (y/n) answered. "Impressive, right?"Usopp bragged. "Kaya's given me an open invitation to drop by anytime I want", the man explained as Luffy and (y/n) followed him to a large well. "Wow", Luffy breathed.

"All this for just Princess Kaya?" (Y/n) questioned again. "Well, she lives here with her butler and a few other staff", Usopp clarified.

Luffy leaned on the low wall of the deep hole, whistling at its hollowness. Usopp did the same as Stitch climbed onto (y/n's) shoulder to observe too. The young girl kept her hand on the stuffed animal to prevent it from falling.

A few feet away were Nami and Zoro. "Money really shows you who people truly are", the woman commented bitterly. "Most people only care about themselves and what's theirs", she added.

"Sounds like someone I know", Zoro bickered but Nami ignored him. "And a small staff makes for easy picking."

The trio up ahead left the well, making the two others follow them. "Why? Gonna rob the place blind", Zoro asked sarcastically. "At least a little blurry", Nami replied with a smirk.

"So… if you have an invitation, why are we going around the back way?" Luffy asked confusedly as they strolled in a grandiose garden with a large pond covered with pink water lily flowers.

"I never use the front entrance", Usopp confessed. "This is more of a VIP entrance reserved for special guests", he added.

"This guy's full of shit", Zoro muttered, not loud enough for the ones ahead to hear.  "Yeah. But as long as he gets us inside the house, who cares?" Nami remarked.

Two staff members were working up at the back door. The first was a man wearing a dark shirt, black pants with red stripes and a dirty apron. His brown hair formed two curls above his head. The second one was a woman who was sweeping the floor. She wore more of a maid outfit with black pants. Her hair was a deep teal, cut short.

Seeing them, Usopp quickly turned around, stopping Luffy and (y/n). "Oops. You know, there's actually a more exclusive entrance this way", he excused, failing to escape the sight of the workers as the man threw a knife at his feet, slitting the water lily.

Everyone stepped back except Usopp who turned around cautiously. The man with the curls stalked towards them. "The hell are you doing here, Usopp?" he demanded.

"Buchi, buddy, huh, Kaya was expecting me," Usopp explained, inventing an excuse on the spot as the teal haired woman had stopped brooming.

"Another one of your lies", Buchi hissed, getting in Usopp's face and grabbing him by the collar. "You ain't welcome here and you know it."

"I know nothing of the sort", Usopp said confidently. "I'm here to give Kaya an extra-special gift."

Buchi didn't let go of Usopp until a sweet voice called him. All turned their head to the voice and the teal haired woman lowered her broom.

The voice belonged to a young woman in a simple pink dress and shiny blond hair. Her skin was sickly pale and she was clutching at a butler's arm.

Luffy and (y/n) looked at each other, the young girl mouthing eagerly "It's the princess!!!"

"What a wonderful surprise", Kaya smiled as she stepped closer slowly with the butler's help. Usopp grinned smugly at Buchi who had to let go of him. "Kaya!" he called happily, walking up to him and ignoring the glares of the workers.

Kaya chuckled softly. "Happy birthday", Usopp wished her. "You remember", she replied happily. "Of course I did", Usopp assured.

The butler then cleared his throat, replacing his glasses with the palm of his gloved hand. "Usopp", he greeted him more professionally than the ones before. "We've had this discussion. You mustn't show up unannounced."

"Nonsense, Klahadore", Kaya corrected calmly. "Have you come to tell me another story? I do love hearing about your adventures", she told Usopp.

"I'll do you one better. I brought some of my crew", Usopp affirmed, turning to the four. Luffy turned to the others, asking vexedly "Is he talking about us?" But he got no answer as Kaya talked again.

"It's so nice to meet you. You all must stay for dinner", she invited. Instantly, Luffy's expression lightened. "Miss Kaya", Klahadore spoke up. "It is a bit last minute", he disapproved. "I'm afraid the kitchen hasn't prepared for extra guests."

Usopp seemed disappointed. "Please, Klahadore", Kaya pleaded. "It's my birthday. Can't be too much trouble, can it?"

The teal haired woman rolled her eyes discreetly as the cook stared at them bitterly. "Of course, Miss Kaya", the butler finally accepted. "Anything for you."

"All right! When do we eat?" Luffy asked joyly. "You don't" the butler stopped him before adding "Not dressed like that."

"Sham, kindly show Usopp and his friends to the guest suites", Klahadore asked the teal haired lady who nodded respectfully. "You will bathe and change before dinner", the butler ordered.

Usopp tilted his head to sniff his armpit, making sure he didn't smell that much. Sham let out a hum as she stepped away from her spot.

"A bath does sound nice", Nami accepted with a smile and the group followed the maid.

As she walked past Kaya, (y/n) stopped. "Excuse me, miss. How is it to be a princess? Is it nice?" she asked. Kaya tilted her head a little. "A princess? I am not one, my dear" she informed with a small amused smile.

The young girl frowned. "Then what are you?" she asked, confused. "I'm Kaya", she answered simply. (Y/n) stared at her for a second before grinning. "I think anyone could mistake you for a princess, Kaya. You're just like one", she assured.

"(Y/n)", Zoro called as he was about to walk past her. "Let's go", he told her as he shot a dirty look at the butler who did the same. This man was not inspiring him trust.

ITS MAY (may is my fav month)

AND Billie Eilish is releasing her album in less than 2 weeks YEYYYY

Word: 1063

One Piece x child!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon