Chapter VIII

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Luffy and Nami arrived at a tall double door. They use the keys the woman stole to unlock it. They cautiously opened the door and entered.

The room was large and the only light came from the two windows on the last wall.

Nami locked the door behind them so no one else could enter and catch them stealing the map to The Grand Line. "This guy really likes himself", Luffy commented, observing a statue of Morgan right next to his portrait.

"I'm going to find the map. Pretend you're not here", Nami demanded as she went up the few stairs to Morgan's desk. "But I am here", the boy replied.

Nami sighed, annoyed. "Why do you want the map so badly anyway?", she questioned. Luffy went over another painting of Morgan before responding. "I'm gonna use it to find the One Piece and become King of the Pirates."

The thief scoffed. "Figures", she muttered. "What?" Luffy perked up. "Every idiot dreams of finding the One piece", Nami started to explain as Luffy toyed with a fancy looking telescope. "People like you believe in something and you don't even know what it is" "Well, yeah", Luffy admitted. "Don't you?"

Luffy rotated the telescope in the woman's direction, looking through the finderscope. "So why did you decide to become a thief?", Luffy asked.

Nami looked up at the boy then back at her searching. "I didn't decide. I needed to eat. You do what you have to, to survive", she said as if she was explaining it to a child.

Luffy let go of the telescope. "You're right. Nothing more important than food", he affirmed as he walked up to a row of axes hung on the wall. "Just find the map", Nami pressed.

A particularly large axe caught Luffy's eye. He went closer to it and, as he pulled it to watch it closer, the hook that the object was resting on bent forward. It activated a mechanism that made the desk move, revealing a safe.

Luffy went to Nami's side and both looked at the newly found safe. They looked at each other, Luffy happy and Nami a bit confused.

Hand-Axe Morgan walked in the room where he kept his maps. Opening widely the ajar doors, he found one of his Marines knocked out as another one was seemingly waking up. "What's going on here?", he growled.

The Marine that was still doing his best to get up spoke up. "Pirates, sir, inside the base. We're under attack!" The Marine sounded alarmed. "What pirates?"Morgan asked, angered.

"A woman with orange hair, dressed like a Marine", the man replied, holding his head as he stood up. "She was trying to steal a map to The Grand Line."

Connecting the dots, Morgan reached for his keys, only that they weren't there. "My keys! Sound the alarm", he ordered.

Nami had one ear on the safe as she worked to find the code of the wheel combinasion when suddenly, the alarm started blaring. "Uh...", Luffy started. "Do you think they know we're here?"

The boy kneeled next to the safe encrusted in the floor next to the woman who sarcastically replied "No, I think they're after the other thief and idiot pirate trying to steal the map."

Luffy also leaned his ear on the safe. "What are the odds of that?" he said, smiling dumbly. Nami looked at him exasperated. After a couple of seconds, Luffy mouthed a 'oh'. "Kidding", he added with a chuckle.

"But you might want to work a little faster", Luffy noticed as Nami tried to focus on opening the safe. The boy got back up and that's when loud banging came from the door.

"Open up!" Morgan barked from the other side of the door. "By the authority of the 153rd Marines!" he threatened, inhaling sharply before returning to practically fighting the door.

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