Chapter 1

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Tonight has been a disaster. Firstly my roommate/boss/only friend in this city pulled out on me last minute. I mean it's not her fault, she did try to get here but she got a flat tyre. But then she made me stay, something along the lines of, "I scored some of the best seats in the house so someone may aswell use them to their full advantage and perve on some sexy hockey players." I just didn't want to leave my seat considering it was hard enough getting to it in the first place and being as short as I am you get pushed around abit in a crowd full of people.

I've never watched an ice hockey game so I have no idea what the rules are hence why I've barely payed attention this whole time. I watched the players warm up, must say it's quite interesting to watch considering when they stretch it looks like they are humping the ice. Each to their own though. No judgment here. Some of them look cute or sexy (the word Scarlett would say if she was here), but when they are covered head to toe in gear you don't really know what you're looking at.

So for most of the game I have had my head deep into the romance book I started yesterday. Reading a book at an ice hockey game is probably not something someone would do when they have seats like these but for someone who doesn't really care and didn't want to come in the first place I couldn't care what anyone else has to say. I think the only time I looked up is when someone scored because the crowd went crazy or when someone was smashed into the boards because well that shit makes anyone look.

So when I realised the game had ended and people started clearing out I closed the book and got up out of my seat. Only to get squished by other people wanting to leave. So I thought I'd just sit back with my book and wait for the crowd to go.

When I finally got a clear path ahead of me I stood up, not realising that while I was flicking through pages on my book, yes still reading. It's getting to the best part, I couldn't put it down. I ended up in an area I should not be in. I only figured that out when I saw signs pointing to locker rooms and when I crashed into a six foot brick wall. Did I mention that six foot brick wall was one of the most attractive walls I've ever come across in my life?

And now that six foot wall is looking at me like I killed his cat or dog, whatever his favourite pet is. I pulled my hands off his chest in a hurry, "I'm so so sorry..."

He held up his hand preventing me to finish my apology, "What are you doing back here?"

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I didn't..."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Yeah right. How did you get past security?"

"I didn't..."

"Don't make excuses. Fans aren't meant to be back here and I'm not in the mood for autographs, neither are my team mates so it's best you turn yourself around and get out of here."

This six foot wall is an absolute dick. No matter how beautiful his face is. Firstly I didn't even want to be here now I'm getting yelled at, I can feel my eyes starting to tear up. But there was no way I was going to get upset other this asshole yelling at me, "Just because someone has obviously pissed in your cereal this morning doesn't mean you have to be a dick..."

"What did..."

Now it's my turn to cut him off, "I wasn't finished talking," I say after taking a deep breath, keeping my tears at bay but letting abit of my slight anger come out, "I didn't mean to end up back here and I certainly don't want an autograph off you. Even if you hadn't yelled at me. I'm going to leave now, go find someone else to yell at dick."

His eyes went wide but before he even had the chance to say anything I turn around and walk back the way I assume I came from. I just keep walking until I see normal signs that I recognise, I order and Uber and get the hell out of there. Screw that guy, thankfully I will not be coming to another ice hockey game and stumbling into him ever again.

Dunn Deal (A Vince Dunn Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now