Chapter 10

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I don't know what made me think this was a good idea. I'm currently sitting with a few of my teammates, Adam, Matty and Burakovsky at the coffee shop near my apartment which also happens to be the coffee shop that is across the road from the bookshop.

Adam rang me up and said a few of the guys wanted to get breakfast. And I told them to come to this cafe instead of the one near the rink. Why? Because I like feeling close to Skyla? Maybe. I don't even know. I have these feelings for her that I haven't ever experienced before.

But now as I sit here trying to stay connected with the conversation we are having I can't help but constantly stare down at my phone and occasionally gaze over to the book store hoping to get a glimpse of my girl. She's not even your girl idiot.

I stare down at my phone and smile at the most recent messages.

Me: Question 42: Favourite Ice-cream Flavour?

Ducky 🍒: Don't get cranky at me for being boring.


Ducky 🍒: So technically that's not boring.

Ducky 🍒: Is it? It's boring isn't it 🤦🏼‍♀️

Me: 😂 You saved yourself with the sprinkles. Morning btw. Sleep well?

Ducky 🍒 : Morning 😚 I did. You? Also thankyou again for the fresh flowers. But what if we made it a weekly thing? I'm suffocating here.

Yeah. I've been buying and getting fresh flowers delivered to the bookstore every day for Skyla. Bit overboard? Yes but I could care less.

Me: Hmm...I'll think about it. Not horrible. I'm out of whack. But I should be back into the swing of things before we fly out for the next lot of away games.

Ducky 🍒 : Don't know how you do it. I love routine. Especially my sleep routine. But if we keep this up I might have to shove toothpicks in my eyes to keep me awake so I can talk to you.

Me: Please don't hurt those pretty eyes. Anyway. I'm going out with the guys for breakfast. I might pop in to say hi later. Is that cool?

Ducky 🍒 : Most certainly. We can sit in the park for my lunch break if you can spare an hour?

Me: I'd love to. Talk soon x

Ducky 🍒 : ❤️

We've been talking for nearly two months now and it just feels so normal. We haven't made it official or anything yet but man I want to. I just don't want to push her and her fragile heart. But it's like I've known her my whole life.

No one really knows about us besides Adam and Scarlett and it's pretty much the same reasoning for both of them: that they are our best friends and can sniff out anything.

Dunn Deal (A Vince Dunn Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now