Chapter 5

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I woke up in a daze. In a happy daze. With those damn butterflies still fluttering away. I haven't felt like this in forever and it feels nice. Scary but nice.

I quickly make my way to the bathroom for a shower. Grabbing my gym clothes on the way. I've gotten into a solid routine since moving to Seattle and Vince being on my mind is not going to wreck that.

After my shower I check my phone. Another part of my routine is to not check my phone until I've showered and gotten dressed. Otherwise I will sit in bed for hours on end and skip the important things. But that might have to change considering the first thing I see on my lock screen is two messages from him.

VD ❤️: Question 23. Out of the last ten books you read which is your favourite?
VD ❤️: Also morning x

I can't help but smile. It's six am. His flight would have left by now and he'd be due to land in another hour or so so I doubt that he will reply.

Me: This is our thing now isn't it? Morning ❤️
Me: Twisted love series. Morally grey men do something to me.

I notice the three dots that fill the bottom of my screen to show he is typing. Of course he'd had plane wifi. He is an NHL player on a team plane I'm sure. I doubt they'd be sitting squished in economy.

VD ❤️: Definitely our thing. Also morally grey men? Should I be concerned?

Me: Haha. No. Maybe. I don't know. Do some research 🤷🏼‍♀️

VD ❤️: So you going to come to the game on Saturday?

Me: 🤷🏼‍♀️

VD ❤️: That's it? Come on ducky. Don't break my poor little heart. 🙏🏻

Me: I'm sorry but I don't think I can make it. I wish I could.

I decided last night before bed that I was going to go. But I wanted it to be a surprise. Scarlett was thrilled of course and she was all for the idea of surprising Vince. So hopefully his heart won't be broken for too long.

VD ❤️: Do you actually mean that?

Me: Yeah I think I do. How about I come up with an alternative?

VD ❤️: I'm listening.

Me: If you get time on Saturday or whenever you get back to Seattle and again if you get time...We can go for coffee?

VD ❤️: You asking me out on a date ducky?

Me: Maybe I am. Don't get a big head now.

VD ❤️: I'm just happy. My charm is working after all.

It certainly was. And I wasn't sure how to feel about it. My heart was telling me to dive straight in but my head was telling me to be careful with big flashing lights.

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