Mitch's POV (47)

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Side story.   (1)

I could see Dixson walking up towards the pack house, I don't want the cars to close to the pack house, with the way some of these idiot’s drive, one of the pups will get hurt, who was that on his back? I don't recognize her?

Dixson stood at the bottom of the steps with the little blonde pups still on his back, "who is that?" "Can we all go inside, I will explain everything, it's cold out here" he said taking a step up, "she is not coming in until you tell me who she is?" I shouted, scaring the little pup, making her duck her head behind him, "her name is Lucy Carter, she's my daughter" "wrong, she doesn't smell like you, who is she?" Did he really think he could pull that shit with me? Stupid.

"Her name was Lucy Larkin" "Larkin? You brought that thing here after what her family put you through, get fucking rid of it" "what the hell is wrong with all you top alpha's? You want things gone before hearing me out, yeah, she was a Larkin, she knows nothing what happened to me at that pack, she was sent away and for your information, Pavan adopted her when she was young, the first day she was at the Blood Moon Night pack, Kassian and Caspian had been kidnapped, Lucy tracked them down and saved them, single handed, she is only seven".


"Wow, wow, wow, slow down, the pups were kidnapped? Why the fuck am I only hearing about this now, when were they taken? How long were they gone for? Who took them?" I was in panic mode, how could no one tell me about the pup's, "calm down Mitch, Dixson, Lucy, please come inside, it must be cold" Willow said in her calming voice, her voice normally calms me straight down, but not this time, I was way pasted being able to calm down, the pup's was missing and I wasn’t told, the more I thought about it, the more I was beside myself with anger.

Dixson started walking up the steps, with the little pup still on his back, "how could no one tell me about the pup's? Am I not important enough to be told? Now the pups are here, am I out the picture now? Everyone here can drop everything and go where ever they want, I can't, I have a pack to run, I can't go, do I have to stay here and suffer?" I shouted as I grabbed a hold of Dixson and shook him hard.

I shook him that hard the little pup, lost her grip and fell off and bumped her head as she hit the floor.

Guilt instantly hit me like a ton of bricks but sorry wouldn't come out my mouth.

"It's not like that and you know it, when Lucy found the pup's, you would have only just got to the pack house, you were still too far away to help, our father would have killed the pup's already when you caught up with us" "what?" I froze.

Did he say 'our father?' 'Killed the pups?' I was so confused, I think I have information overload, I can't figure what emotion to have, they all seem to be coming at once, "Mitch, please come inside and get warm, Dixson please take Lucy up to your room, someone will come and check on her a little later, Mitch, please come with me".

Willow pulled my arm so I would follow her, I was in a daze, how could Aria not tell me about the pup's? how could our father do something like that? The questions whirled around my head, Willow held my hand as to pull me in the house.

Dixson walked past me, he was so angry, the little pup was crying in his arms, my heart sank to my feet, I made that little pup cry, "he's going to leave know, isn’t he?" "Come on Mitch, come inside so we can talk".

She led me to our bedroom, she sat on the bed and tapped her hand on the bed next to her for me to sit there, I went to my knees and laid my head on her lap, "I'm a disgrace, how could I hurt that little pup, Dixson is going to leave me like Aria did" Willow ran he fingers through my hair and said, "Aria left to be with fated mate, she left for a reason, you need to apologize to Dixson and ask for his forgiveness, all you brother alpha's are all so hot headed" "Dixson has seen my worst side but I've never laid a hand on a pup" "you didn't mean to hurt her, it was just an accident, I think Dixson knows that, he knows you have a lot of pressure on your shoulders" "why didn't anyone tell me about the pup's?" "Rest up for an hour or so and you can talk to him, ask him to tell you everything, you need to let him talk and for you not to butt in, let him tell you" "ok" I said.

"Would you like to make a pup of our own?" Willow said, gently tugging at my hair, "after what I just did to that little pup, how can I be trusted with a tiny pup like that", Willow palled my hair back so I was looking up at her "now you listen to me Mr top alpha, you will be a fantastic father to our pup's, you know Aria's pup's adore you, what happened earlier was an accident, Lucy might be a little afraid of you for a little while but when she gets to know you, she will know that your a big softy at heart, one round of hide and seek, she will be putty in your hands" "do you really think so? Do you think she might want to play now?" "No, not today, we have pup's to make" Willow said with a wicked smile on her face, "how can I say no to you" I said as I kissed her and making her lay back on the bed.

I left Willow asleep in bed, we went at it for hours, I think I let out a bit of my frustration on her, but Willow being Willow, took everything I gave her, she never tells me if it hurts or for me to stop.

I left our room to go to the communal bathroom, the plumbing in our en suite is playing up.

I was only in my PJ bottoms, it was gone 4am, no one is normally around at this time, I turned the corner and Dixson's little pup was sat crying on the floor, I hesitated for a second, she’s going to be so scared, I crouched down in front of her, "little pup, why are you crying?" She looked up at me then quickly covered her eyes, am I really that scary? I looked down and I understood why she covered her eyes, I noticed a little purple bruise on her hand, I could feel the guilt wash over me again, I did that to her.

"Why are you crying?" I asked again, "I, I, I, I, can't, find, Dixson's, room" she sobbed, "I went into the wrong room, the one down there but the two Lycan's where fighting on the bed" fighting on the bed? If it was down there, I bet it was Knix and Francine, they weren't fighting, I bet they were having sex, "did seeing that scare you?" "They told me that I was the dirty Larkin and that I should be sent away and shot" "what? They said that to you?" I said standing up, pissed off, ready to fight and kick someone's head in.

She started crying again, I crouched back down and said "this is your new home, if anyone says anything like that to you again, you tell me straight away, ok?" She did nodded a little nod, it was so cute, I stood up and held out my hand, "come on little pup, I will show you what room is Dixson's".

I took her back to Dixson's room and tucked her in next to him, his eyes were scrunched together and his eyebrows were also knitted together, he looked like he was in pain, I wonder if he's having a nightmare, is it safe, Lucy being in his bed? I need to get Willow to prepare a room for her, I'm sure the room opposite is empty, she could have that one, she can't stay in his room forever.

I was fuming when I left Dixson's room, I kept repeating what Knix and Francine said to her, I went to there room like a raging storm, I kicked there door open, "Mitch" they both said shocked "get fucking dressed" they looked at me like I spoke to them in a foreign language, "GET, FUCKING, DRESSED" I said slower but louder, so they could understand me.

They jumped out of bed and scrambled to put some clothes on, "follow me" they followed close behind me, down the stairs and out the front door, "Mitch, where are we going?" Knix said but I didn't answer at first, I spun around and I grabbed him by the throat "what did you say to Dixson's little pup?" He looked shocked that I knew.

He wasn't talking so I squeezed tighter, he was struggling to breathe "Mitch, please let him go, he can't breathe" Francine said as she pulled at my arm, the audacity of her, touching the top alpha, I shot her a look and she backed away, "don't touch or speak to me, unless spoken to, do you hear me?" She nodded as she looked down to the ground.

Looking back at Knix, he was going a nice shade of red, "you ever say anything like that to a member of this pack, especially to a member of my family, you will be six foot underground before you knew it, who the fuck do you think you are, calling a little pup a 'dirty Larkin and that she should be shot' she is a Carter, not a Larkin" I let him go and he went falling to the flood, gasping for air, Francine quickly went over to him, "the pair of you, get off the porch, go into the garden, onto your knees and hold your arms up into the air, until I tell you to stop" "but" Francine was just about to protest, "you better get out there right now".

They hesitated for a second but one look at my face and they quickly ran into the freezing cold rain, turn towards me, got down on their knees and put their arms up in the air.

I stood there and watched them for hours, I was freezing as I was stood there in just my PJ bottoms, no top, no shoes, I only went back inside when Tanna come out and ask what was going on, I told him to stay here and watch them until I come back and if they move, or try to weasel their way out, tell me.

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