Cora's POV (53)

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Side story.  (7)

"Friday? As in this Friday? That’s a bit to soon, that's not enough time to prepare my self or buy gifts for her and the pups" "Aria wont care about gifts" "she may not, but I do, I want her to like me" "that's no going to be a problem, you are such a kind Lycan, you and your little brother in finding this pack, you have helped me out from the very first day we met, if you hadn't, I wouldn't be here right now" "please don't talk about the first day we met, it still breaks my heart thinking of you on that day" "that's was my lowest day of them all but then you came into my life, like my guardian angel", I couldn't help the tears from falling, I was so happy, I was going to be mated with this Lycan, I don't think I could love anything as much as I love him, "Aria loves fruit, we can get some on the way if that would make you happy" "what about the pups?" "We can get Grover and Lucy to choose something for them" "sounds like a plan".

The pups wasn't happy that they were going to miss there first trip to the ice cream place, but soon got over it when Dixson told them where we were going.

On the way to the Blood Moon Knight pack, I was just staring at Dixson as he drove us, the pups fell asleep virtually straight away, I'm not surprised, we left early to get there when Arias pups woke up, "take a picture it will last longer" Dixson laughed "don't tempt me".

He glanced over at me and said "what's up? Are you that nervous to meet my little sister?" He put his hand on my leg and gave it a squeeze "yeah, I am, I know you keep saying everything will be fine but I'm still nervous" "don't be, if you can talk to Mitch, then you can talk to her, Ranger on the other hand, he's the scary one" "WHAT?" I shouted "shush, you will wake the pups" "you're telling me this now, stop the car, I'm going home" "don't be silly, Aria can tame that beast" "I want to go home" I pretended to cry, "stop crying, you will be fine, Aria is a very easy Lycan to get along with, she is nothing like my brothers and I, I can tell you now, she will love you, there's a town coming up, you can pick up some fruit and the pups gifts there".

I could see a pack house in the distance "wow, that pack house is huge" "that's the second house, the main house is a little further away, oh looks like they are building a third house" "three? Wow this pack is huge" "it was a bit daunting with all the Lycan’s but we will be in the main house so there won't be as many Lycan’s hanging around".

I was amazed with the size of the place my hands were shaken so bad, you know in the movies, where someone is so nervous and they are holding a cup and it's shakes so bad and all the water spills out, that would be me if I had a drink, "that's the pack house" Dixson said as a huge house came into view.

Dixson pulled up outside the house, not like back home where the cars are part at the end of the road, there was a tall Lycan stood outside, "is that Ranger?" "Uncle Cash" Lucy shouted as she got out the car and hugs the Lycan on the steps "that's Cash, he is Rangers best friend, he found his fated mate not so long ago".

We got out the car and Dixson got the gifts out the boot, "hey Cash, where's my sister?" He was busy spinning Lucy around and around, she squealed as she laughed "she's feeding Soloman, Ranger has Kassian and Caspian in the office, I'm taking Lucy to go see Ranger" "wait, Grover come with us" he looked over at me "you can go, it's fine" the three disappeared into the house.

"Come on, I will take you in" "I can't move, I'm so scared" Dixson put the gifts down on the steps, "Cora don't be, it will be over in an instant" he held my face so I was looking at him "I'm afraid they won't like me because of what happens before" "that was with her not you, she was evil, are you evil?" A voice said from the stairs, looking over, there was a beautiful female Lycan standing there holding a pup, "Aria" Dixson said as he let go of my face but grab my hand and pulled me towards her.

"Aria this is Cora, Cora this is my sister Aria and Soloman, I think it's my turn to hold him, you have had him long enough" he said as he held out his arms, the pup held out his hands towards Dixson also, Aria handed her pup over to him, it's a shock, as my original pack, we were never allowed to touch a top alpha's pups, not unless you want your hands chopping off.

"Where is my pup? I heard her laughing" I swear Dixson said she had three male pups, I didn't buy a gift for a female pup, I started to internally panic, "Lucy has gone inside with Cash and Grover to see Ranger and the pups" I breathed a sigh of relief, she was talking about Lucy, "Grover? Your brother?" she asked me "y... yeah" I stammered "don't be so nervous, I don't bite, not unless you ask me first" she joked.

I let out a little laugh my laugh instantly stopped when she said "Dixson, can you please take Soloman inside and take these in also" she said handing him the gifts, "Cora would you take a walk with me? We can talk" "yeah, sure".

As we walked, she told me a few things about herself, most of it I already know but I just let her talk, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to know things about her, "Cora, I know you know about his past" "yeah, he has told me but I don't think he has told me everything that happened there" "did he tell you that I killed her?" "Yeah, he did, he still feels guilty over you coming to save him, while you were heavily pregnant with the pups" "I would do it again if I need to, I would do anything for my family" I got a little scared, it sounded like a threat in a nice way, "I can guarantee that I'm not like her, I will never hurt him, we are taking this relationship really slow on his request, if it means I can be with Dixson, I will take it as slow as he wants" "that's good to hear, do you want something to eat? I'm starving".

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