Dixson's POV (48)

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Side story. (2)

I woke up with a jolt, the nightmare was especially bad last night, Lucy was still fast asleep next to me, I quickly went and washed up before she woke but when I returned, she was sat on the bed wiping her sleepy eyes "morning sleepyhead, would you like some breakfast before washing up?" she just nodded "come on take my hand" she took it and we went for breakfast.

As we walked down the stairs there were a crowd of people at the front door looking out, "what's going on?" I asked the closest Lycan, I don't know, Knix and Francine are being punished for something" Knix has a big mouth so I'm not really surprised he is being punished, "come on Lucy, let's get some food before everyone else".

Mitch and Willow walked in not long after we sat down, he looked pissed about something, they got their foods and set at our table, opposite us, "how are you feeling little pup?" Mitch asks Lucy, she just nodded, did I miss something? "Mitch, why is Knix and Francine being punished?" "They need to learn some manners and not to call my new family member dirty", dirty? I was confused but Lucy looked up at him, surprised, "you two know something I don't?" "The little pup" "her name is Lucy" Willow interrupted "Lucy got lost coming back from the toilet and went into the wrong room, and they were erm 'fighting'" he said giving us the knowing nod "they called her 'the dirty Larkin and should be sent away and shot' so that's why they are being punished out there and they can stay there until I say so, Knix is having his gun privileges taken away also" "they said what?" I was annoyed, "I'm dealing with it, calm down".

After what Mitch told me, I was put off my food, "Dixson when did you get back?" Grover said sitting next to me, "I got back late yesterday" "Cora look, Dixson is back, she keeps talking about you, it's really annoying" "no I don't, nice to see you back, how's Aria and the pups?" I quickly glanced at Mitch and he looked more pissed, "yeah they are all good" "who is she?" Grover asked as he looked around me, "I've not seen her before" "her name is Lucy, she is my... daughter" they both looked at me shocked, "I will explain later but first, I need to talk to Mitch before I will talk to anyone else" Cora nodded and started eating her food, Grover picked his up his tray and sat next up Lucy and started talking to her.

Mitch told me to bring Lucy to his office after she's had breakfast, I let her wash and get dressed before going to his office, Tegan, Curtis mate brought some clothes for Lucy yesterday, she was obsessed with this frilly pink dress, back in the Dark Water pack she wasn't allowed to wear dresses or anything girly, I told her it was too cold for dresses but she wanted to wear it, I've always been a sucker for her puppy dog eyes.

Lucy and I set waiting in the office, she sat on a chair by herself and kept straightening out her dress so she looked nice, "I've only been your new father for not even a week, and you already have a crush on my brother Mitch, the top alpha, I'm hurt" I laughed, she shot me a dirty look and I held my hands up.

"Sorry for making you wait" Mitch said as he entered the room, making Lucy jump "that's a pretty dress, did you wear it just for me?" she got shy and nodded at him, "did Dixson do your hair?" Willow said, "what's wrong with her hair? I think it looks nice" "Lucy come to me in the morning and I will do your hair" she laughed as did the people behind me, I turned to look who was laughing, it was our other brothers, I suppose it's fair then being here, they also need to know, " Dixson tell us everything and don't leave out any detail, even if it's tiny" Mitch said sitting in his chair.

I told them everything, I didn't leave anything out, some things they probably didn't need to know but I still told them, I worded it differently has Lucy was listening but they all understood me clearly.

"So our parents have passed away?" Mitch said stone-faced, Willow was crying for all of us, "yeah, mother had already passed, I don't know how but Ranger...." I looked down at Lucy, who was looking up at me and smiled, "I understand, that chapter of our life is now closed, we all have things to look forward to in the future all this talk is getting depressing, I think it's time for PE" "you just want to go play hide and seek with the pups" Curtis laughed "maybe" "we will go and round the pups up, Lucy, would you like to come help?" Malcolm said holding out his hand, "can I?" she said looking at me with her puppy dog eyes, "sure, you will be safe with these two, they are also my brothers" she took his hands and they left the room.

"Oh wow, that little pup will have us all under her thumb in no time at all" Mitch laughed "that's why she got sent away when I was there in that pack, she was the only thing that kept me sane, when she got sent away, that's when the torture got bad, Luna would say things like 'I'm going to bring Lucy back and kill her in front of me slowly and painfully' I couldn't let that happen so, I kept my mouth shut and took everything she gave me".

Willow started crying again "please don't cry Willow, it's all over with now, Aria took care of it, now I have Lucy, it feels like that's all in the past and I can try and move on with my life with her", "all I will say is that you might struggle finding a mate with an older pup, that's adopted" "I don't care if I don't find a mate, with all the shit that I've been through, I'm fine with being alone" "as long as you are sure, I will be behind you with whatever you plan for your future, okay, well I better go, these parts won't find themselves" Mitch said standing up from his desk.

He Kissed Willow and walked out but as he pasted me, he put his hand on my shoulder giving it a little squeeze, then left the room without saying a word, I could have cried there and then, Mitch doing that, tells me that Lucy will be safe and is welcome to the family and the pack.

I stayed in Mitch's office for a little while to compose myself, before I went outside to watch them all play silly games, Willow went upstairs to make a room for Lucy.

I grabbed one of the blankets to sit on as the ground was wet from the rain, Knix and Francine we're still on their knees, their arms were not even halfway up but when I stood in front of them, their arms shut up as high as high as they would go, Dixson, we are sorry for what we said".

I didn't say anything at first, I just stood there watching them "we will never say or do anything like that again" "if I ever hear you say that to her or even about her to anyone, you will be out of this pack so fast your head would spin" "you can't do that, you're not the top alpha" "Knix, shut up" "your right, I'm not but Lucy is now he's family and has been accepted as one, I only need to tell him and you will be out, I was going to let you off from your punishment, but it looks like you haven't learned you're lesson, four more hours might do it, Tanna, please continue to watch them" he just nodded.

I left to find a spot to sit and watch my brothers and the pups play, Lucy was having so much fun, her dress was dirty, but she was happy.


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