2. A New Guest

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When Rahn returned to Kahal's study the second time, two days later, she felt more like herself. She hated to admit it, but the future king was right. People were paying her far less attention than they were before, practically none at all. Which she was perfectly happy with. She had spent her time wearing the most unremarkable clothing possible and made it a point to practice sneaking in and out of her guards chamber, trying to help everyone forget she was even there.. She had spent her days hiding in her room and training in private, or out in the outskirts of town, and the private markets while wearing plain clothing that spoke nothing of her profession. She only spoke to the minimum needed to converse with traders, etc. But she was trying to establish her presence there as a common citizen.

"Have a seat." Kahal said as she entered, his assistant closing the door behind her.

Once she did as told, he sat behind his desk and studied her. "You have taken the last two days to make preparations?"

She nodded in response.

"And you have told no one of this assignment?"

"No, my lord.." She said flatly, hiding the irritation that grew within her. Did he think she was not capable of following simple instructions?

"Your accommodations are ready for you. A small dwelling on the south west side of the outskirts of town.

She thought for a moment. The dwelling that Zein's men had kept Shima was in the south side of town. It was smart of him to have found her a dwelling in that general area, but not directly in it. A newcomer showing up in the exact area would be too obvious.

She nodded at him again.

"You are to meet my other contact at dusk at the Esck market. Do you know it?"

"Other contact? I thought I would be working alone." She failed to hide her dislike from her voice.

Kahal's voice remained calm and impassive. "You each have your individual assignments but they align to the same end goal. Each will be doing groundwork on your own but will share information on occasion as necessary. Is this a problem?"

He asked the question but she knew better than to speak her mind. This was more of an order than anything else. "No problem, my lord."

"Good." He leaned back into his chair. "He will find you in the market at dusk and show you to your new accommodations."

When he stood, she stood as well and nodded. "Yes, my lord."

As she neared the door, his voice stopped her. "Oh, and Rahn."

She simply turned and looked at him in response.

"This male wears a mask at all times. Don't ask him about it, he doesn't take personal questions well."

She raised a concerned brow muscle in his direction.

"Leave the personal questions aside and you'll do fine working together. I trust this male with my life, you can as well."

She wasn't sure if she could believe him but she had no choice but to nod in agreement as she left his study. 


"This is what's best for you." Queen Thala argued.

"My Queen, I-".

"No." She held up a hand to stop her eldest son from starting the same argument. "We have been through this Kahal. You have proven yourself capable but a king cannot and should not rule alone. It is too much for one person to bear."

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