5. A Busy Schedule

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Author's Note:
So sorry for the short chapter but I had to fit this in before the next one that's the longest yet. Also in the next one, we're finally going to start seeing progress with Rahn and her investigation!


"Greetings, Lord Kahal."

"Lady Biechta." Kahal nodded to her as he was standing in front of his assistant's desk, in the office adjoining his study. "Greetings. I trust you're enjoying your stay in the grand hall?"

"Yes, it's lovely, my lord."

Lovely. How generic an answer, Kahal thought. What one might say about the weather or a garden. Not The Grand Hall of the Homeland.

"Did my lady find her dwelling acceptable?"

"Yes, perfectly acceptable, my lord."



"Is there something you need, Lady Biechta?"

"I am here for our appointed meeting, my lord."

"Meeting?" His brows furrowed and he turned to the Qarthan male sitting at a desk beside him.

"My apologies, my lord. I see no such meeting on your calendar. In fact you have another appointment scheduled for this time."

"Oh! My... my apologies, my lord." Biechta said, embarrassed. "I was told this was the time... I apologize, I must have been mistaken."

"It is fine, lady Biechta." He waved a hand to assure her. "Would I be correct in guessing this message was given through my mother?"

"Oh...yes, actually." Her brows furrowed.

"I must apologize on her behalf. She was mistaken." At this he turned his attention back to his administrator. "Thuq, let's look for a time that would work for both Lady Biechta and I." He turned to look at Lady Biechta again. "Shall we?"

They agreed on breakfast the following morning and were saying their polite goodbyes when Othen walked in.

"Kahal, I wanted to ask... oh. Greetings Lady Biechta." He nodded her direction then also nodded a greeting at Thuq.

"Othen, it seems our mother has again taken it upon herself to work things into my schedule that do not fit. Would you happen to be free? I would hate for the lady to spend too much time alone while visiting our grand hall."

"Oh. my Lord. That is thoughtful but I couldn't possibly ask that of the Lord."

"Actually, my lady, I was heading to the theater to meet with our sister-in-law, Lord Joreth's life partner. Perhaps you'd like to meet her and see the production they're building?"

"I couldn't possibly impose, my lord."

"I am going there anyway, and Halan loves any opportunity to showcase her creative process. It would be no imposition at all, I assure you."

"If you are certain, my Lord." She nodded timidly.

Othen handed Kahal a thick stack of papers he was holding. "She has more edits for you to approve."

Kahal sighed. "Right." He said as he took the stack from his brother, saying goodbyes to Biechta before retreating into his study.

"I take it you are familiar with the major events of the homeland that occurred over the last several weeks?" Othen asked Biechta as they walked down the hallway.

"Somewhat, my lord."

"Just Othen is fine. Please."

She gave him a small smile and nod.

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