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Nathan's POV


I want her...

I was so tempted, but I can't. I'll hurt Laura again. I can't afford to lose her. What if she won't be able to come back? "But I want you, Nate! I need you..." I heard her say, but I continued walking away. This broke my heart, ignoring her.


I froze on the spot.

"I love you, Nathan..."

My Wolf was stirring within, wanting to turn around to see her and touch her. I nervously gulped. I knew she dropped her blanket, and I knew she was naked. She just shifted.

"Nathan..." I heard her angelic whisper, drawing me close.

I hesitantly turned, and my gaze landed upon my beautiful mate. All I wanted to do was to praise her body, shower her with kisses and treat her like the goddess she was. Seeing her fantastic body made my heart race and ready to pop. I held my breath, afraid to smell her scent that could get me high. My gaze landed on the birthmark-looking tattoo on her hip that I wanted to caress.

She held her head high as she gracefully strolled towards me, but she stopped just a few steps away. I took a deep breath, and her sweet scent hit me hard. I knew it was too late for either of us as I took one giant step and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to my chest. We stared into each other's eyes, clutching at the moment, our warmth and scent. She wrapped her arms around my neck, drawing me closer. I slammed my lips onto her soft, plump lips.

Our lips moulded together perfectly well as I tightened my hold on her. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me close to her.

"Nate..." She moaned my name. Suddenly, the heat was boiling in me, and I knew I was too excited, especially for my Wolf.

Laura's POV

My back ached as he kissed away from my lips down to my jaw, then straight to my neck. I heard him growl as he grazed his sharp teeth along my neck. I knew he wanted to mark, and I, too, wanted him to.

"Mark me, Nate," I softly said, aching my neck for him to have room to mark me.

He started nibbling, "Are you sure?"

I nodded and moaned, "Yes!"

Before I knew it, "I love you too." I felt a sharp pain in my neck as I was about to scream, but a moan escaped, turning the pain in my neck into pleasure. Nate pulled out his teeth and licked my fresh mark, causing burning pleasure down to my core.

Suddenly, I felt my teeth were sharp like fangs. My back landed on something soft: the bed. My lips attacked his neck. His groans and growls were tempting me to mark him. "Do it!" I heard him groan, "... Mark me too."

I didn't need to be told twice; I sank my teeth into his neck, earning a moan of pleasure from him. I pulled out and licked the mark I made on him with pride, that he was entirely mine and no one could mess with what was mine. Nate pulled back and stared into my eyes, and I could see the mixture of love and lust in his eyes.

"Beautiful," he whispered, caressing my cheek with his forefinger and slowly leaning forward for a long-lasting kiss.

Our room filled with our moans and groans of pleasure until we reached high cloud nine. Nate rolled over to my side, and we both panted heavily. He hugged me and kissed my temple, "I love you, Laura, and I promise never to hurt you again."

"I love you too," I muttered before falling asleep.


"We all have one goal: destroying the Crescent Pack!" Oberon roared out towards the crowd, cheering him on. "Together, we gain this dream. Join us, and it will come true!" The crowd's cheers grew louder and howled in excitement. Christopher, Sebastian and Elsa stood out in the woods, watching as Oberon stood up the group.

Sebastian chuckled softly, "They call themselves wolves whilst they act like dogs."

"They are dogs," Elsa said, stepping between Sebastian and Christopher. "But we need them to stare up trouble to get the royal mart out, so we get the girl."

"We'll get her either way," Christopher said with a grin.

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