Sea Witches

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The full moon was high and bright, reflecting on the sea. A house stood on a cliff, gazing down at sea. "Why live on a cliff?" Jay asked, gazing out the window as Eleanor and he walked upstairs.

"We have no fear and are closer to the sea," she said annoyedly. "Or you are that old to forget," she joked. She chuckled softly, hearing Jay grumble about his age and excellent memory. Eleanor and Jay were close friends, especially when Luna was around when Jay was just in his twenties.




Eleanor knocked on the first door in the hallway before entering, with Jay following behind.

"Jasmine," Eleanor called out to a woman who stood before the window, gazing outside.

Her blood-red wavy hair reached down her hips, and her eyes were as green as Eleanor's. She wore a see-through robe, showing her beautiful curved body and pale skin. She turned on her heels, but when her gaze landed on Jay, her lips lifted to a grin. "Jay!" She gasped as she ran to him with her arms wide.

"Jasmine," Jay softly said as they embraced. "It has been a long time."

"Indeed, it has been," she said, pulling out of their embrace. "And you aged!" She exclaimed.

He glared at her as Eleanor, and she laughed. Eleanor and Jasmine are different, and they are sea witches. They stop ageing once they turn eighteen. Sometimes twenty-one. Sea witches are almost like witches, but they are different. It said that one of the moon goddess's daughters blessed them with magic because of their support and care towards her. For it was said that she fell from the heavens because she was broken-hearted.

She turned herself to be part of the sea, where her lover died. And just like her, sea witches have that same ability to shift their bodies the minute they are underwater. "I'm not old," Jay grumbled, crossing his arms.

Jasmine hummed and lifted a brow, "If you say so... Grandpa." She laughed again, and also Eleanor.

"I think we should do what we came here to do," Eleanor said, gasping for air. "We don't have that much time. We are strong with the moon."

"Indeed, we are!" Jasmine nodded her head and grabbed Jay's forearm. "Come, come!" She playfully ordered Jay, knowing well that he hates being called. She pulled Jay, untangling his crossed arms and dragging him. Eleanor shook her head and chuckled in amusement. She slowed down and got behind them, or Jasmine would break Jay's hip bone.

They reached downstairs in a quiet, dim room. "Why do you need me here?" Jay asked in confusion.

Eleanor answered while handing Jasmine a silver cup, "We need your alpha bite."

"Alpha bite?"

"An alpha can kill vampires because a vampire can't become a werewolf whilst they are already dead, and we need it," Jasmine spoke out before taking a sip of what was in the silver cup.

"I don't understand."

Jasmine rolled her long sleeves and lifted her wrist towards Jay's lips. "Bite," she ordered.

He hesitated, "I will turn you into a werewolf if I bite you. You know that."

"Don't worry about that," Eleanor assured him before he hesitantly gently grabbed Jasmine's wrist. He slowly leaned forward, and his lips opened, revealing his sharp, fang-like teeth. He took in a deep breath, then bit down on Jasmine's wrist. Jasmine silently hissed in pain. Eleanor held out a cup under Jasmine's wrist as Jay drew blood. Jay leaned back, and Jasmine bled, filling the cup.

Once she stopped bleeding, she glanced up at Eleanor, who was grinning like she was. "Now we can do it," Eleanor said. They moved to a table, placing the cup filled with Jasmine's. They went to different corners, grabbed each other's hands, and closed their eyes.

Jay stood back and watched Eleanor and Jasmine mutter enchantments. They swagged side to side as they hummed. Suddenly, they threw their heads around, screaming in a sharp note, hurting his ears... Slowly, they lowered their head, letting their gaze meet. "It's done," Eleanor muttered softly, and Jasmine nodded in agreement.


"Are you sure we should trust him?" Jay asked, glaring at the dark, mysterious, handsome man. "He's a vampire!" He sneered.

"It's okay, Jay..." Jasmine said, walking past Jay. "He is my husband," she pecked the dark brown eye and silk black hair man's cheek.

"Isaac is our eyes and ears in the vampire coven. He works with Madam Argent, who owns the Dark Mistress service. Also, she owns a blood bank that sells to a vampire's blood." Eleanor said, walking in with a box. She gave Isaac, "Make sure the humans drink this."

Isaac nods as he takes the box before turning towards Jasmine. "I can't wait to hide with you, my beloved," he told Jasmine, pecking her lips. "I'll be back by month's end."

She smiled with a light shade of red, and there Jay stood, seeing how much in love there was between the two. It was the sea witch's way of life. Sea witches rarely have husbands because they hide from the world, especially since they never age. That was why the sea witches were considered a myth.


"Ladies, ladies!" Isaac called out as he poured some shorts.

A group of women came forward. Some were still fixing their hair, and some were still in their lace undergarments. "What's this?" One asked as she lifted a glass.

Isaac grinned, "Oh, it's nothing, just an excellent luck drink from the Madam herself." They all smiled and chuckled in amusement, grabbing a glass and throwing their heads back as they threw the burning liquid down their throat. And Isaac observed, making sure they drank it.

Once done enjoying their drinks, they dressed in lace, revealing outfits and heels. They all walked out of the dressing room to a lounge-like room, where different men in suits sat. All women went to any of the men; some sat on their laps, and some sat beside them. The man's eyes flickered from standard eye colour to blood-red eyes. Fangs would slip out of their lips.

Isaac stood from afar and watched, and he knew these men were tempted to drink those women's blood. They always do. "Isaac!" He snapped his head to the side. He gazed at Madam Argent walk towards him with a devilish grin on her face, "I have wonderful news." She said in a deep French accent. "The King is throwing a ball, and he wants my blood... Now I need you to call and ask how many blood bags they need and delivered."

He nodded and walked back into the dressing room. Sea witches' plan was going into play, and the vampires would not see it coming. 

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