Just the of Us

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Laura's POV

I couldn't stop giggling. Nate's warm breath was tickling me at my neck. "Stop," I chuckled, trying to struggle out of his grip. Nate couldn't stop caressing my neck where he marked me. I grabbed his hands, but he smirked as he leaned forward and kissed my shoulder. I squealed, trying to lean back away. Nate just enjoyed teasing me.

"Come on, love, let me kiss my magnificent mark," he grinned devilishly, putting his weight on top of me.

"Nate! Get off me," I laughed as his kiss went up near my ear, then my temple.

"Baby, please," he pouted, and I laughed loudly because he was so cute when he begged. "Just a kiss... One." I shook my head, and he sighed as he rolled off me. "maybe I should cancel the plans I had planned for us."

I rolled onto my side, "what plans?" I asked.

He grinned, "I'll tell you if you let me kiss you?" He wiggled his brows.

I threw my head back with a groan, "fine..." Before I could say something, he slammed his lips onto mine.

"I've planned a wonderful date for my Queen," he whispered, then planted another kiss.

He attacked me with more kisses; I tried struggling away, but I kept giggling rather than fighting him off. He finally got off me and then headed towards the bathroom; he stopped and glanced over his shoulder, "Love, I believe you need to get out of bed. You can join me."

I lifted my head and pretended to be thinking even though I knew my answer was an amazing yes. I jumped out of bed and rushed into Nate's arms, enjoying his warmth and the sparks between us.

Ever since we marked each other, our bond had grown such that I could feel something unimaginable. When I was next to Nate, I would feel weak and strong. Even though he was just a few steps away from me when he was gone, I felt like he had left forever.

Crazy even.

I loved it.

I love Nate!

I never knew being with your mate could make one vulnerable and in Love. This was all new to me. I glanced up at Nate, who was smiling like an idiot. Seeing him this happy made my heart beat with joy.

I love my mate.

"Take a picture. It will last longer," I snapped out of my train of thought. I looked away, feeling the heat on my face. I heard him laugh, "No need to hide, sweetheart." He gently grabs my chin, making me face him. After hours spent in the shower and getting dressed, we finally were outside, and a car awaited us. Like a gentleman, Nate opened the door. "Milady," he said, giving me a wink.

I chuckled softly, "Oh, why thank you." I said in the worst British accent while I jumped into the car. Nate closed the door for me, rushed to the driver's side and jumped. "So where are we going?" I asked as the car roared to life.

"You will see," he grinned, and I growled in frustration. "Oh, relax, baby," he chuckled. A few minutes on the road, I was getting bored and glanced over to my mate, who was focusing on the road. Nate and I are mates and had marked, but we didn't have much time to get to know each other well.

"Nate?" He hummed, glancing at me, then back on the road. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," he grinned.

"Why didn't you reject me on that day?" I asked, tilting my head to have a clear look at him.

His grin dropped, and he glanced at me, "Laura, you're my mate. We're meant for each other by the moon goddess, and I didn't care if you differed from the rest." He squeezed my hand gently, "and I loved that about you. You're different, which makes you unique." He lifted my hand and planted a kiss on my knuckle.

I blushed a bit, "are you always this charming?"

"To you..." He winked, "Besides, I'm a king with a beautiful queen." He chuckled softly.

I leaned back against my seat, gazing out the window, realizing we were in the city. Nate pulled up for valet parking and quickly rushed out to open the passenger door for me. He stretched his hand out to me. I couldn't help but blush as I took his hands.

We walked into this fancy restaurant, realizing that this place was too expensive for my taste. "Good afternoon, sir, and how can I help you?" a lady in a tight black dress, who seemed to be in her early twenties, asked, eye-candying my mate.

"Mr Crescent," Nate said.

"Right this way, sir," she winked at him, which sparked my anger. How dare she!? Doesn't she not see me!? As she showed us our seats, she swayed her hips, and I felt like ripping her into pieces and dumping her sorry ass into a pool full of sharks. Once she left us alone, I felt relieved.

I snapped my head at Nate, who was chuckling. "Jealous?" He asked, wiggling his brows.

"Oh, shut up," I mumbled, and he laughed out loud.

After our delightful meal, we took a quiet walk, sat on a bench and waited for sunset. I was enjoying the tales of Nate and his mischief adventures. Nate made me happier than I had ever been. When I'm with him, I fall more in love with him.

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