Witches Vs Vampires

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I gasped in shock, jerking myself up, feeling cold sweat roll down my back and trying to control my pants.

What a dream! I thought to myself. I realised it was still dark outside and glanced at Nate, who was fast asleep. At least he is still sleeping. I sighed in relief; I didn't want him to know what I'd dreamed or seen. Was that a flashback of John's past? Was that the whole reason my mother, moon goddess, sent me here? To stop the vampires from destroying everything.

I glanced down at the foot of our bed to see Hades's crib, and I could hear him sound asleep. I sighed before laying back down again; I had to figure out if John's plan was still on.

Nathan's POV

I stayed silent, waiting for Laura to go back to sleep. Without realising I was holding my breath, I sighed. Dr Karen told me that Laura's mind was too weak to block her thoughts, feelings and dreams from me. So I could see her vision. Silently, I slipped out of bed and put on my pants and shirt without waking Laura and Hades. "Liam, Sean, to my office. Now!" I mind-linked Liam and Sean as I walked out of the room.

To think John was my friend without realising that friendship would be my people's downfall. Once I got to my office, I found Liam and a sleepy-looking Sean seated in front of my desk. "Nate... What's with the wake-up call?" Sean groaned in annoyance.

"We are siding with the witches," I said as I walked around my desk and took a seat. "So send word to Elder Ivy and send her a map of all the vampire covens we have."

"What!?" Both Sean and Liam gasped in shock.

"Is it me, or did I hear you say you were siding with the witches?" Sean asked, rubbing his eyes, trying to remove the sleep dust from his eyes.

I shook my head slowly, "it's no joke. We are siding with the witches and Liam; you will lead this mission. Sean, you keep Laura unaware of this." I continued, "I don't want her to get involved after what just happened."

Now, it was war...


Jasmine gasped, awake, sitting upright. Isaac sat beside her and held her shoulders. "What's wrong?" He asked, massaging her shoulders.

Jasmine's pants went shallow, "it's time." She whispered, glancing over to Isaac. "The war between vampires and witches is beginning."


John sipped his whiskey, silently thinking about what had happened within these months. Now, all he was waiting for was reports from Maxim, his trusted warrior and adviser. He heard a knock but kept facing his back at the door as he listened to the doors open and close.

Silence filled the room...

"Your Highness," a rough, husky voice broke the silence. It was Maxim. "I did all my investigation, but it came out empty... The Lycan Brothers did not do it. So it must be the witches." John closed his eyes and held his breath. He wasn't expecting this to happen, but it had to. He knew the witches were no good, with or without a peace treaty. They were still up to their tricks.

He sighed, "arrange a meeting with Alpha King Nathan. We may need their help with this matter." He said profoundly and darkly, taking one last sip before standing on his feet. "We may need backup." As he turned on his heels, he suddenly felt weak like the other time when he drank that blood.

"Your Majesty!" Maxim exclaimed and, within a second, held his forearm beside John. "I believe you drank too much," he said, helping him up.

John shook his head, "No... No... It can't be... That was my first glass." He murmured under his breath. "Something bad is coming our way," he glanced at Maxim, and everything went black...


Women wearing pure white robes, standing in a circle with Eleanor in the centre, kneeling in cold water, quietly muttering different chants than the other women around her. Her eyelids shut, and both palms were on her lap as she rolled her head and chanted aloud. As if something or someone was possessing her. Slowly, she screamed and hissed over the murmuring chants of those women. Suddenly, flashes appeared, causing her to snap her head in all distinct ways as though she was in her visions.

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