Don't Cry

18 0 0

Yoo-mi grabbed the tested paper that was set on her desk, eyes scanning the paper until she saw a '100/100" in the top corner.

Her mouth curved into a small grin as she set the paper back down, hand resting over it. She was definitely gonna brag about this to Chiyo, shoving the test in her face will definitely break her ego and pride, and Yoo-mi will feel great about it as she watches.

It was her favorite part of test week.

She hummed quietly as she tapped her fingers against the wooden desk, waiting till Ms. Shuri reached the front of the classroom again to stop.

Ms. Shuri grabs the piece of chalk from the chalk ledge, turning around to write something on the black chalk board, "As expected, our highest scorer is, yet again.."

She turns around to reveal Yoo-mi's name on the board, "Ms. Yoo-mi Lee." Ms. Shuri says with a tiny, proud smile.

Yoo-mi can practically feel the aura of Chiyo's anger slowly emitting from behind her.

"Chiyo was close with marks of 99/100, good job to you both again." Is what Yoo-mi hears from their teacher until she tunes her out and turns around, her paper in the air.

"Chee-ohh.." Yoo-mi sang, a teasing grin on her lips as she waves the paper lightly, clearly bragging about it.

Chiyo only stares back at her with furrowed brows, arms crossed as she's slightly leaned back in the blue plastic chair, eyes filled with disappointment.

Chiyo glimpses at the paper for a moment, then she gazes back at Yoo-mi.

Yoo-mi makes a pouting expression, her head tilting to the side slightly, "What? Are you mad that you didn't get top points again? It's okay." She says before smiling again, "Try harder next time, yeah?"

Yoo-mi pats Chiyo's paper before turning back around, her grin growing.

After a moment, the bell eventually rings, announcing it time for lunch.

Students begin to stand, some going to sit with their buddies at their desks, or some head to the cafeteria if they didn't have any prepared lunches.

Yoo-mi stands from her seat, pushing in her seat, getting ready to leave for the cafeteria until she glances towards Chiyo, seeing as the other girl takes out her lunchbox. It's a cute canary colored box, decorated with small flowers.

It almost makes Yoo-mi smile, knowing that not everything in the shorter girl's life is so serious.

She walks away, opening the sliding door of their classroom and stepping into the hallway.

Yoo-mi takes out her phone, pulling up hers and Tomo's messages.

[Nov, 14, 9:34AM.]

T: nuh uh

Y: shut up


Y: wya

T: at cafeteria with kenny

Y: ??? u started eating w/o me wtf

T: we were hungry Read 12:31.

Yoo-mi rolled her eyes, sliding her phone back into her pocket. As much as she was hungry, she also didn't want to third-wheel Kenji and Tomo.

A low growl came from her stomach, her hand quickly covering her stomach as she stops in her tracks. It seems her stomach would rather third-wheel than starve.

She makes it to the cafeteria, the double doors forced opened with door stoppers. Entering, she gets into the line, grabbing a tray when it's her turn.

Yoo-mi serves herself some rice, soup, vegetables, and an apple.

oneshots (literally all yoomi and chiyo)Where stories live. Discover now