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Kei pulled the small platter serving of a single chocolate-chip muffin towards herself, brows furrowed as she glared at Ren, "It's mine."

"But dude, you always get it! Leftovers are meant to be shared, that's what Mother said, remember!?" He argued, whining loudly, his hand extending to reach for the food. Kei quickly avoided him by moving further away.

Taylor watched the two, sighing loudly. "Guys, just split the muffin," He attempted to calm the situation, and when neither of the two responded, he sneakily snatched the muffin off the platter, tearing it into two halves.

"No! It's mine, Ren." Kei poked her index finger at Ren's chest. Ren rolled his eyes, glancing towards the platter, realizing it was missing a certain something.

"Wait, where did it go?" Ren questioned. Kei quirked a brow, placing the empty platter between them.

Two hands shoved halves of a muffin in front of their faces, "Here you guys go."

The duo blinked. Ren was the first to grab his half of the muffin, a smile on his lips, "Thanks Tay-Tay! See, I can always count on you," He hummed, opening his mouth to take a big bite out of the muffin.

Kei's expression fell, disappointment evident on her face. She slowly reached up to grab the muffin, holding it in her hand, thumb caressing the top of it.

Taylor watched her carefully, sweating on the inside, now regretting his action of splitting the muffin in two, "Uh.. Kei, I'm sorry if I made you upset-" He began, a small squawk leaving his mouth as he sees a tear drop fall off her face.

"Wait, don't cry!" He pleaded, hands flailing in panic, catching Ren's attention quickly.

"Wait, wait- Kei," Ren's expression turned to confusion, then to panic, "Here, look! I didn't eat it all, you can have the rest," He smiled awkwardly, holding out the rest of his half of the muffin as Taylor rested a hand on her shoulder.

She turned her head to the side, "..I'm not crying," She murmured, her brows furrowed in frustration, eyes clearly filled with glassy tears.

"I mean, you clearly are-" Ren muttered, hand still holding out the half-eaten muffin.

Clearly, that wasn't the right choice of words as Kei glared at him, shrugging off Taylor's comforting hand off her shoulder before running off to find, who they assume, Mother.

"Wait, Kei!" Ren yelled after her, sweating with worriedness.

Taylor and Ren looked at each other, making eye contact. In silent agreement, they both ran off after her. They see a huddle of their siblings around Mother, who seems to be comforting and attempting to soothe a crying Kei.

They both huffed, jogging to Mother's side. Ren spoke up first, "Kei, we're-" Taylor nudged him, "sorry, I'm sorry," He quickly corrected.

"And--and I'm sorry too Kei, I should've asked you first." Taylor apologized after, one of his hands reaching up to rub at the back of his neck nervously.

"Boys," Mother spoke, her chilling voice sending slight shivers up their spines. "You should know better to make a girl cry, especially a girl younger than you."

Taylor nodded swiftly, "Yes, Mother. We're sorry," He was quick to repeat an apology, guilt clear on his expression.

"Y--Yeah! I didn't mean to make you cry Kei!" Ren stepped closer to them, trying to get a glance at Kei's face.

Mother looked down at Kei, who was stuffing her face in her dress, arms wrapped around her waist as her hands gripped the fabric. The woman sighed, the hand resting on top of Kei's head patting her head gently.

She leaned down slightly, one of her hands running through the small twelve-year old's hair, "Kei, c'mon. We all have to face our fears someday, okay?" She whispered to her.

Kei shook her head, hands gripping the dress's fabric even more. Mother leaned back up, hugging Kei's head to her stomach.

"Okay boys, let's just say apologies like this. Tell her what you did wrong, and why you're sorry." Mother ordered, waving the two over.

They both stepped closer to the two. Taylor went first, "I'm sorry for splitting the muffin without asking you first Kei, I should asked if you actually wanted to share or not with Ren," He hoped that would be enough to soothe the girl and forgive him.

"And I'm sorry for not-- for not.. umm, for not taking 'no' as an answer. I just wanted some because you always get the leftover muffin and I was jealous," Ren spoke after, brows furrowed in concentration as he thought of the reasons to be sorry.

Ren spoke up again, "Oh, and I'm sorry because I don't wanna see you cry, and stuff.." He shrugged, slightly embarrassed to admit it.

Mother smiled softly, nodding her head in approvement, the two boys slightly lighting up. "Good job boys."

"See, Kei? They care for you, okay? We can always make some more muffins to share as well." She spoke in that soothing voice, running a hand through the girl's hair once more.

Kei's hands grip on the dress loosened, and Mother slowly separated the girl from her, holding her hand in a comforting grip. She glanced at the two, eyes slightly red and puffy from the tears and roughness of wiping them away.

She looked to the side before speaking, "I guess.. I forgive you guys," She grumbled, and they both sighed in relief. Ren let out a groan, attacking the girl in a hug, "Jesus, I thought you weren't ever gonna forgive me!" He complained.

She rolled her eyes, and if she leaned into the hug that wasn't anyone's business but hers.

Mother smiled at the children, "Listen up." She placed her hands on Taylor and Ren's heads, "You two are older, you're not meant to make the younger children cry."

The two nodded in sync, and Mother's eyes softened at the sight, "Okay, now go and play." She patted both of their heads before walking off to tend to the other children that were waiting for her.

Taylor waved goodbye to their Mother. He looked back at the rest, standing by the two, not wanting to disrupt the moment yet still speaking up, "I really.. am sorry Kei, I shouldn't have made you cry," He says in a low tone, clearly still feeling guilty.

Kei eye's looked towards him, and she shook her head, "It's okay, I was being dramatic." She admitted, glancing off to the side, grunting a bit when Ren squeezes her in the tight hug.

"Hey! I can't breathe." She huffed, hands reaching up to push Ren away. He let her go, a slight pout on his lips. Taylor smiled a toothy grin at the two, amused.

Ren glanced at Taylor, his eyes widening in the slightest as Taylor let out a small giggle, "Hey.. don't giggle at us," Ren muttered, his cheeks heating up with color.

Taylor responded with his giggles getting louder.

Ren humphed, watching as one of the younger children run up to Taylor, and as Taylor's giggles grew quiet, and his grin instead turning into a gentle smile.

Taylor picked up the small boy, placing him on his hip.

Kei eyed the two before nudging Ren in the side, "There's redness on your cheeks." She pointed out, her hands going back down to play with their sibling's hair as the small girl hugged Kei, giggling.

Ren rolled his eyes, "And there's redness on your eyes." He shot back.

She shrugged, sticking her tongue out towards him.

oneshots (literally all yoomi and chiyo)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ