Chapter 59 - The Wicked Witch

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As soon as I saw Lucy in the locker area, I rushed over to ask where Jackson is.

"I'm not sure," Lucy's brow knitted in confusion as she stared at me. "Is everything okay?"

I shrugged and shook my head. "Long story."

She just nodded and didn't ask any more questions. With the way I look and act right now, I bet she already had a clue that this was one of the things I prefer to discuss when I'm ready. And I'm thankful for my friend's understanding.

I was about to walk away and continue my search, but she grabbed my hand and stopped me from leaving. "If you want, I can find out where he is so you don't have to waste your time." She pulled out her phone immediately and texted him.

"Thanks, Lucy. I just need him to confirm something."

"Sure, I hope everything is okay."

I tried to calm myself as I patiently waited for his response. I could feel Lucy watching me with worry. I didn't want to ruin whatever romance might be blossoming between them, so I assured her everything was fine and Jackson didn't do anything wrong.

I just needed him to confirm one thing: did he make sure Chad received the paper bag I left for him? Especially the letter where I wrote all my secrets and explanations, why I made those choices.

The way things have been unfolding lately, I wasn't quite sure anymore.

After my confrontation with Chad at the country club, I was convinced he was done with me. But the way Chad reacted to the bomb Troy had dropped awhile ago, he looked completely clueless. Almost like he had no idea what was happening and didn't understand what was really going on. I could tell that he tried to process everything, but his confusion was evident.

So for him to react like that, I only have two theory in mind.

Chad didn't receive the letter, or if he did, he didn't take it seriously. But knowing him, he was nowhere near the latter. He was the type of person who always took things seriously, so it was unlikely he simply ignored the letter.

Besides, Chad seemed to be genuinely surprised, which made me even think he didn't receive the letter at all.

I know I should have confronted Chad about this, but I wasn't sure if I had the guts left to handle another rejection. I remember how he dismissed me when I asked if he got it.

Courtney. I don't know what do you expect me to do with it.

Those were his words.

Should I have been more specific?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Lucy tapped me on the shoulder. "He's on his way. I told him to come here."

I nodded and thanked her again. I glanced around the room, waiting for Jackson to come.

"Anyway, have you talked to Terry?"

"No, why?" Actually, I felt bad that I haven't talked to any of them after that incident at the country club.

Lucy was hesitant at first, but she eventually answered my question. "Well, don't freak out. But we discovered something. At the country club, Olivia purposely jumped into the pool. There was a video of it. We're not sure if she just pretends the drowning part thought, if it was real or not."

"What?" I shrieked, probably catching the attention of everyone around us. Honestly, it was shocking and unbelievable. "Why would she do something like that? She almost drowned!" I asked, baffled.

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