Chapter 60 - The Real Queen

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"Yes, I got your letter. I know your secrets and I can play as dirty as it takes to ensure Chad won't end up with someone like you."

Olivia sneered, her tone lacing with hatred and spite towards me.

Did she just threaten me? Me?

That was clearly a threat. There's no doubt about it. I know one when I hear one, as I had threatened others many times before.

I guess it takes one to know one, huh?

"Oh really?" I laughed sarcastically. "Do you honestly think your threats will work on me? Scare me? I don't care about my secret. You're a week late for that already. And unlike you, I don't care about popularity shit. You don't have what it takes to intimidate me, Olivia. And you never will." I crossed my arms and continued. "So stop this non-sense and just give up. Because I don't care what that secret does to me anymore."

For a moment there, I thought I had won. That I managed to intimidate this fake innocent bitch, but her knowing smile told me I was wrong. She wasn't intimidated, she was only amused.

Olivia smirked and said, "I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand the severity of the situation. You may not care what this information does to you, but how about Chad's reputation?"

"What?" My voice quivered as I asked, "What do you mean? My secret doesn't have anything to do with Chad."

I made that loud and clear to her, but she insisted on pointing out that Chad's reputation could be impacted by my secret.

"Seriously?" I knew she was cunning, but I didn't expect this level of deceit and deception! "After what you did to him? You're still willing to put him on the line just to get what you want? You are effin crazy." I breathed out the words, still unsure of how to make sense of what she just implied.

Olivia didn't flinch at my words, her expression unchanging. Still smug and completely unfazed.

"Well, unlike you, I don't plan on giving up. Chad was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I regret everything that destroyed us. So yeah, I'm ready to do it again if it means you two won't end up together." She looked determined, like there was no stopping her.


"I read everything, Courtney. I can't believe that after everything you did to that Jeremy, you still have the audacity to show your face here and be near Chad. Haven't you done enough already?"

I refused to let her words affect me. I did something wrong, and I admitted it. I even tried to take the high road by distancing myself away from Chad.

But look where it got me? Nowhere.

This secret won't affect Chad. Olivia is just making empty threats.

Don't you dare give in to her wants, Courtney! I reminded myself.

If anything, I should be the one protecting Chad from Olivia.

"And you're the one to talk, huh? Someone who is willing to hurt him again just for what? Enough already, Olivia. No matter what you do, it won't change the fact that--"

"At least I regret everything I did. How about you? Huh? Did you?" She cut me off. Her tone challenging. "Did you even apologize to that guy? You basically ruined his future for your own good. Didn't it occur to you that he was also like a Chad in someone's world?"

Honestly, she caught me off guard on that one. I hate to admit it, but her words hit straight to the core. I had never thought about it like that before.

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