Chapter 17 - Annabel Lee

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Hello #TEAMGEEK, I’m back! 

So it took me days to finish this. I had the idea in mind for weeks now but I couldn’t put it into writing. I was having a hard time composing it.

I could say that this was the most challenging chapter that I created so far in all of my stories because of the involvement of interpreting a certain poem. I wasn’t saying that this was the correct interpretation; I was just having an opinion for that matter.

WARNING! If you have different perspective about it, I respected it fully. I don’t need a critic to criticize my opinion for this matter because this is what I believed in eversince I laid my eyes on this poetry. So please don’t try to argue or debate with this. Let’s just respect each other’s opinion okay? Thanks =)

If you somehow find it boring (for those people who wasn’t fond of literature) I’m sorry but this is essential to the story. Thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed it.


CHAPTER 16 – Annabel Lee


I was watching him as he stood up and made his way towards his shelf where a lot of different books aligned. My eyes were trailing on him the whole time. I watched him scanned through different kind of books as if he was looking for something.

He was silent althroughout. And the silence in the air was deafening, which definitely left me very curious to what he was searching for.

I tried to be patient for few minutes but then my patience were wearing thin as he continued to ignore me and the flipping of the pages of the book was the only noise I could hear inside his room.

What on Earth was he trying to find anyway? Oh please don’t tell me he was planning to scan all of the books in that shelf! It will take forever to finish those!

I had to made an action before I snooze myself out of pure boredom.

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat to make my presence known. He was completely engrossed with whatever book he was holding at the moment that he somehow forgot that he had a visitor.

He still wasn’t looking at me. He didn’t even spare me a quick glance!

“I said, ahem.” I said, making sure that the irritation in my tone was visible.

“Shh.” Was his only response.

“Where are we? In the library?” I retorted, which definitely caught his attention. He looked at me—for a brief second--- but he immediately turned away.

“Seriously Treyson, if---“

“I got it.” He finally said. He closed the black book he was holding with a loud thump, cutting my upcoming complaint in the process.

Got what? I was about to ask but then I jolted up in surprise to see that he was pulling his chair next to mine. “You’re relatively close, Treyson.” I said, refusing the panic to show in my face as he sat next to me.

I could smell him in this close proximity, and damn, he smelled so good! I chewed on my lower lip as the curiosity started to creep in me. I wondered on so many things like, how did my hair smell today? How about my clothes? My breath?

Arrg! Why was I feeling this way, of course I, myself, know that I smelled so damn good. I spend an eternity in my bathroom and vanity to keep it that way. There was even a section in the school paper saying that I smelled so divine. So, why worry, right?

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