Chapter 27 - The Date

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Please play "I SEE THE LIGHT (Tangled OST)" while reading this chapter. (See multimedia) Enjoy!




"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Wait, what?

I looked at my phone to see the caller.


My right hand found my mouth right away to stop myself from screaming. I kept on pacing back and forth, and my body was in a frenzied state.

What the hell is happening!

Is any of this even real? Could someone please tell me this isn't a dream!

"Courtney, are you there?" His voice snapped me back to reality.

This is real. This is real. This is freaking real!

But, how would you expect someone who is in a state of shock, or dead for 15 seconds, to answer right away? Usually, I'm the type of person who responds quickly and without any hesitations or even thinking twice. I'm always so sure of myself and my decisions.

But... but this guy was making things impossible for me.

Ever since I met Chad, it's either I'm indecisive or speechless. He always catch me off guard and almost all the time, lost for words.

And this was one of those moments.

I tried to calm my nerves down and composed myself.

"Yes... I'm still here." I said each words slowly because that was the only way to answer calmly and surely.


I was about to ask what he meant with that but for the first time, the inner me saved me, took me out of my dumb state, and kicked some sense in me.

Well? Are you going to answer him now or are we waiting for April 1st and turn this into a Fools Day? Oh god, Courtney, say yes now 'cos I want to have a date with him!

A date with Chad.

It has finally sank in and this gave me butterflies in return!

"And, yes." I said with a smile on my face, but as my smile widened, my excitement grew as well. "Yeah! Of course! Oh my gosh, yeah!" I added with enthusiasm. Okay, a simple yes would have sufficed, but this calls for a major yes. I may have sounded desperate or even embarrassed myself in the process, but I was too preoccupied to worry about that.

"Well, that's a relief." I sensed that he was probably smiling too when he said that. "Take your time, no need to rush. I'll wait whenever you're ready."

"Wait, so where are we going?" I couldn't help but ask. My smile not faltering.

"Is it okay if I keep that as a secret for now? It's just that I want to see the look on your face when you see it." He answered.

Okay, Chad. What are you trying to do to my heart? You kept on giving me mini heart attacks. I want to live and have this date with you so please stop being so cute and sweet!

I bit my lower lip and tried to suppress my giggles. I almost didn't want the conversation to end. Talking with Chad is so addicting. But I just told myself that the sooner I would be done with my date preps, the sooner I would see him and spend more time with him. Before our convo ended, I asked him what should I wear.

"Whatever makes you feel comfortable," was his response.

I told him I would be ready in few minutes and bid our goodbyes, then I hang up. I didn't make the conversation any longer as I wanted to see him right now. Afternoon was about to end, and I wanted to spend a lot of time with him as much as possible. Besides, I still have curfew so I shouldn't waste any more time.

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