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Been sleeping so long in a 20 year dark night...

Halloween had passed and now it was November, officially Christmas time in my book. It was also a month into the NHL season already. The devils were struggling and I could tell that it took a toll on both boys I lived with and loved. Luke was not as bubbly and he was constantly tired while Jack was just quiet. He barely could hold a conversation for more than 10 minutes with me.

Currently we were fighting though. Jack was in a pissy mood yesterday and took it out on me. So rightfully so, I was mad and ignoring him. You would think he would apologize and realize he started it by being a jerk but nope. He instead thought it was a good idea to keep his little attitude up, going as far to say that I needed to 'stop my insistent whining and grow the hell up'.

This all happened two days ago and I've been sleeping in Luke's room since. And have yet to hear an apology. Today they had a game with the Flyers in Philadelphia and they would be staying in Philly overnight. I made sure to be petty and only text Luke good luck before the game.

It was 4:30 when I received a call from one of my cousins that lived in Philly. Her name was Ally and she's the coolest girl ever and I loved hanging with her, I'm assuming she thought I was in Philly for the game. "Hey Ally! How are you doing?" I asked cheerfully, putting away the last of the clothes I had been folding.

"Hey babe, are you here for the game? I know your dating Jack Hughes so I figured you'd be up here to support your man." Her voice came through the speaker along with a bit of background. I guess she was around some other people.

"I'm actually still up North" I answered sheepishly.

"What?? Lily get your ass here now it's a two hour drive basically, I'll buy you an Uber for Gods sake." Ally scoffed.

"I'm pissed at Jack I don't want to see him, I need the space at the moment" i admitted with a sigh, my eyes catching sight of a picture of me and Jack when we were younger. It made my heart hurt that we were fighting but I was genuinely so mad. This was the shit that happened last time and it destroyed me; I'm not letting him act like this and not face any consequence.

"Then come here, hang with me and my friends we have an extra ticket to the game and a table at Xfinity Live after. Fuck him. Don't even tell him what your doing" she laughed. The plan alone made my stomach turn but the devil on my shoulder said to do it. It would be a taste of his own medicine however this probably was just gonna piss him off to no end.

"Ally I love you but the fight isn't that bad to the point where I need to do that" I laughed nervously. As she tried to convince me to go, along with her entourage, I slipped on one of Jack's jerseys over my head and snapped a quick selfie. My finger hovered over the iMessage icon, debating sending it to him and metaphorically waving the white flag before I received a text from the Devil himself.

After the game I'm going out for drinks. Don't try to reach me I wont be available. Night love u

My jaw unlatched as I read the text, feeling anger swirling through every vein in my body. That text stung. I angrily sent it to Luke, telling him to smack him with his stick for me before I finally started listening to Ally again as I had zoned out. "Xfinity is the best bar to party at after sports here in Philly. Come onnnn"she drowned on, though this time I was actually listening.

"D-do the players go there after?" I asked curiously, still staring at Jack's bullshit text.

"They sure do" She laughed.

"You know what Ally. I'm gonna meet you down there. I'll let Luke know I'm staying with him tonight at the hotel" my decision was set once I ordered the Uber. I quickly slipped the jersey off, putting on a tight black long sleeve that was slightly cropped and some jeans. I packed a quick bag, deciding I would leave it with Ally's car while we went into the game.

I sent Luke a text and he laughed at it but warned me that Jack was gonna freak out. I told him I didn't give a fuck and he agreed saying that Jack deserves it but he still felt obligated to warn me. I hope he is pissed, then he can see how this shit feels.


The devils won in overtime. Even though I was so mad at Jack (so mad that I hadn't even answered his text), I still was happy for him and Luke and the rest of the team to get a win. They could use this for their own confidence.

However I only sent Luke a text that I was proud of him and would see him later and informed him that Ally, me and her friends were sat at our table at Xfinity Live. The place was so cool, very Philly in the sense that it really showed how passionate these people were about their teams.

When I arrived to the Wells Fargo Center, Ally and her friends were waiting outside for me with a vintage Flyers jacket. I didn't want to put it on, feeling that this would only stir the pot even more but reluctantly I had slipped it on after Ally warned me how mean these fans could be. So here I was, sat at a table in Xfinity wearing a flyers jacket and adding on to my buzz.

"So you said Jack was going out tonight?" Ally asked, sitting down beside me with a fresh drink.

"Yep. No idea where but I don't care. I'm having fun" I told her with a small smile. She agreed and soon a round of shots was placed on our table. We all cheers and threw them back, the bitter taste of vodka hitting my tongue. Gross.

I pushed the empty shot into the center of the table, subtly pulling out my phone to check my messages as I knew Luke had texted me.

Lukey Pukey
Be safe bae, we're going out as well to celebrate. When you leave your bar lmk and I'll make sure I'm at the hotel to get you. Love you

I quickly responded by loving his text before putting my phone back in my bag. At the same time, a loud crowd of booing started filling the bar. A chuckle escaped my lips as I went to see what they were booing at but my smile immediately left my lips.

Oh fuck me.

A few of the devils players came strolling in, including Jack and Luke. A gasp left my mouth as me and Ally turned to each other with wide eyes. "Oh shit" I muttered, feeling my stomach begin to turn. "He's gonna be so mad"

"Good. Didn't he fuck up anyway? Your allowed to have fun without him" Ally argued as we watched them begin to head towards the stairs. "Lily he doesn't control you" that struck a nerve. She was right, Jack Hughes does not own me nor does he control me.

"Your right...but I probably should've texted him I was coming all the way here" I mumbled, knowing full well that I was the one who fucked up in this instance, even if it was out of anger because of his petty text. "Fuck I'm gonna go sit" I hurried over to the booth and slid in, feeling my heart hammering against my chest.

I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed up Luke's number as I watched them get seated on the opposite end of the section, also in a booth. "Hey Lily" he answered.

"Luke I'm at also at fucking Xfinity" I cursed, staring at the back of Luke's head. I saw him quickly look around before he turned fully around and his eyes widened.

"No fucking way" he answered. I could see Jack looking at him in confusion and from the phone I could hear him ask what his problem was. "I'm on the phone Jack" Luke responded quickly, turning back around. "I can't hear I'm going to somewhere quieter" with that I watched him slide out of the booth.

He slid in beside me and we both looked at each other with crazy eyes. "Luke be honest how bad is this?" I asked, chugging down my drink out of nervousness.

"I think it's bad but you did have a reason he's been a complete douche for days. He deserves this" Luke assured me. "You have more of a right to be mad than he does"

"Your only saying that because your my best friend" I argued.

"No. Jack is a dick" he responded, causing us to argue like siblings before someone clearing their throat caused us to both pause.

"Hi Lily" my eyes met Jack's usually soft blue ones, gulping at the fire burning inside them.

DAYLIGHT - J. HUGHESDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora