Twenty Four

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I only see daylight, daylight, daylight, daylight...

We sat in an uncomfortable silence while both of us prepared for the conversation at hand and gathered our thoughts. I watched and waited for Jackson to speak first but nothing came so eventually I decided I would start. "Ok look, I'm not a child and I know when I'm in a bad situation...Jack is really good to me and I love him. He takes care of me and makes me happy, any issues that have occurred in the past are in the past now" I told him, watching as he subtly rolled his eyes.

"Lily... the fucking post? Really? I almost killed him because of that and on top of that does he think I'm fucking blind? I was at the bar when he was hanging all over those girls as if he was single. I behaved myself for thanksgiving and was civil but it was hard. Your my baby sister and he's a pro hockey player who knew what he was getting into when he asked you be his girlfriend again...he's not acting like a good enough man for you and honestly, I'm starting to think that maybe he never was good enough for you." I could tell how mad he was based off the seriousness in his tone. His body language was tense and stared straight through my fucking soul as he laid into me hard with his opinions.

"Can we- can we just focus on one incident at a time?" I winced as he shook his head with a heavy sigh. "Like...let's start with the post. Me and him already talked it out. He apologized and took it down, he even bought me a $7000 bracelet which I didn't ducking need but he bought it to show how sorry he was. Jack also thought I had cheated Jackson, he was upset and hurting. He knows he was wrong but I mean cut him some slack" I defended.

"Hell no" he laughed dryly. "That post was a pussy move and I let him know that. Who the fuck does he think he is immediately going to post your business on the internet and fueling the fire? Ethan was an idiot but fuck atleast I know he would never treat you the way Jack has in the past and continues to"

"Ethan isn't an option" I rolled my eyes. "He's my friend."

"I know this Lily I'm just using it as an example, in contrast to Jack and his behavior" he argued. "Weren't you fucking embarrassed by that shit? Everyone knows he was in the wrong"

My heart pounded in my ears as my anxiety was high. I hated that Jackson felt this way about Jack, that he didn't think he was good enough for me. I also hated that Jack wasn't here to defend himself and I was the only one that could. "Yes, it was embarrassing but it's over with. Me and Jack are adults and what happens in our relationship is between us and up to us how we get over it"

Jackson shook his head again, running his hands down his face in frustration. I have a feeling there was no changing his mind. "Fine but the bar incident. Like what the hell was he thinking?" Jackson scoffed. "I was sitting there watching him with the girls and wanted to knock him the fuck out, but again, I stayed out of it for you and for the family"

I gulped and nodded slowly, trying to remember I wasn't being verbally attacked or reprimanded but instead it was my brother looking out for me. "I was upset about that too. We talked about It, I let him have it outside on the balcony, and he apologized and since then we have been really, really good. Rough patches happen in every relationship Jackson. I'm not excluded from that" I reminded my brother who was just huffing in his spot.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship over him being with you but he owes me an apology as well, or atleast to show me that I can allow him to continue seeing my sister and trust that he's treating her the way she deserves" Jackson sighed.

"I'll talk to him, tell him that we had this conversation" I assured Jackson. "I want you to see that he loves me just as much as I love him and he that he does treat me well"

"It's not just me either, Ethan rants all the time-"

"Yeah well Ethan and Jack aren't really best buddies right now" I cut him off. "Look, I'll talk to Jack like I said. I'm gonna go up to bed now I'm exhausted and could use some sleep" I sighed as I stood up. I was over this conversation and my anxiety was just getting worse and worse and I wanted to get all this off my chest and talk to Jack.

"Fine, I said what I wanted to anyway" Jackson huffed. "I'm just looking out for you, your my only sister and I care about you. Goodnight" he said before I escaped to the bedroom.

Immediately I texted Jack to see if he was awake to which he answered yes. I FaceTimed him instantly, him answering after only a few rings. "Hey baby" he chirped sleepily.

"Hey" I answered softly, my voice clearly betraying me as I watched him sit up with a worried expression on his face now.

"What happened, my love?" He asked with a frown on his lips and worry in his pretty blue eyes.

"Me and Jackson just had a heavy talk about me and you and it just stressed me out" I admitted with a small frown. Jack nodded, sighing in understanding.

"I'm sure he had lots of good things to say about me" there was clear sarcasm in his voice as he huffed, adjusting the way he was sat on his bed back in Jersey. "You know because I've just been the most amazing boyfriend to his little sister"


"No Lily, he's right. Whatever he said he's right and I already know that shit, ok? I'm trying to be better for you though, I want to be better. I love You And i cant lose you again" he was sad and I could tell that he was frustrated with himself.

"Jack, you are the best boyfriend ever. I don't want anyone else. All relationships have uphill battles but the strong ones can overcome them and we have. To continue living in the past is stupid" I argued. "Jackson just wanted to make sure I was happy"

"What else did he say? I want to know before I see him in a few weeks" Jack asked.

"He said he wanted to make sure you were treating me right and that he cares about me and wants me to be happy" I wasn't lying. I was just trying to not upset Jack anymore than he clearly already was. I could tell he wasn't feeling very great in the moment.

"No Lily. Tell me the truth." Jack urged, sending me a look that told me he already knew what was said. It seems to me he just wanted confirmation on what he already knew.

"He-he said that he doesn't think your good enough for me" I forced out nervously. I watched as he remained stoic, only tensing his jaw for a second. "But I told him that you were and that things were going really well for us"

"I already know I'm not good enough for you" he responded, clearly upset over hearing the words though he already knew what was coming. "What can i do? I don't want him to feel that way anymore"

"Jack he will see in time that we are ok and that you are more than good enough to me. That's what he wants. Or, if your bothered by it, talk to him man to man when your here for the holidays. He would respect that a lot" I told him and he nodded slowly, still visibly upset.

"I'm gonna talk to him. He's gonna fucking rip me a new one but I'll take it. I deserve it. I haven't been good enough and I deserve to hear about it from someone close to you- aside from Ethan because fuck h-"

"Jack." I warned and he apologized quickly.

"Regardless, I'm gonna sit down with your brother. I'll fix this. I promise." He assured me. "I love You"

"I love You so much Jack" I gushed, feeling overly emotional at the moment. "I cant wait until I can see you again"

"Me too, baby." The rest of the night was much lighter and took my mind away from the heavy shit from earlier. By the time we hung up it was into the early hours of the morning and I was able to get some sleep that night with thoughts of Jacks baby blue eyes in my mind.

DAYLIGHT - J. HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now