Chapter 68

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 68

At that moment, as always, a crack appeared in the perfect expression of Pope Sebastian, who wore a mask-like smile.

The statue of the Sorrowful Saintess was perfect.

She wore a crown of thorns, holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other.

The sculptor Magda from Canabel Village hesitated for a long time as she neared the completion of the statue of the Sorrowful Saintess.

“What expression should the Sorrowful Saintess have?”

The Sorrowful Saintess, known as the last sword of the goddess Ifrit, descends to the earth spreading her thirteen wings.

She only revealed herself to humans once.

When the end times prophesied in the apocalypse approach, she will descend for judgment.

For centuries, the Sorrowful Saintess has provoked the ambition of artists.

Artists tried every way to express the beauty steeped in sorrow.

However, Magda boldly chose a neutral expression.

And her choice was right.

The statue was beautiful.

But the reason it caught attention wasn’t just its beauty.

Although steeped in sorrow, the Saintess didn’t shed tears. She was resolute and solemn, more overwhelming than any other statue they had seen.

“This is…”

Even Archbishop Solon, who was about to mock the statue, was left speechless.

It truly possessed the dignity fitting for the sword of judgment.

Seeing the shocked expression on Archbishop Solon’s face, Gilliam smiled inwardly.

He felt that the effort of transporting the flawless statue from the remote mountain village had paid off.

Lost in admiring the statue, Solon suddenly came to his senses.

Reluctantly, he had to admit that the statue of the Sorrowful Saintess Gilliam brought was excellent.

Archbishop Solon coughed needlessly.

“Well, it’s… better than I thought. Acceptable, I suppose…”

“Your Holiness?”

But it wasn’t the time for Gilliam to laugh at Archbishop Solon’s bruised pride.

Archbishop Gilliam looked at the Pope in surprise.

Then he realized that Pope Sebastian had been silent since he was led to the statue.

Curious, Archbishop Solon also looked at the Pope in surprise.

“Your Holiness…!”

Tears flowed from the Pope’s eyes.

While gazing at the statue, Sebastian stood still, crying.

It was a very strange sight.

It was a sight Gilliam had never seen, even though he had served three popes in Lucerne.

In fact, Gilliam realized for the first time that Sebastian, a man often surrounded by dubious rumors, could cry.

The Inquisitor, known to be without blood or tears, crying at the sight of the statue?

Both Gilliam and Solon found the situation hard to believe.

Solon sneaked another glance at the statue.

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