Chapter 78

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Forgotten Juliete Chapter 78

Onyx quickly climbed up to an inconspicuous railing and went up to the upper floor with haste.

Surprisingly, the baby dragon was aware that I was the king of magical creatures.


Having ascended to a high place to search for Juliet, the baby dragon easily found what it had been looking for.

The red hair was easily noticeable from a distance.

It was unmistakably her subordinate. And in front of him stood a woman with a silhouette similar to Juliet.

Onyx, who was about to happily jump towards them, tilted his head slightly when he got somewhat closer.

“Hey! Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for you since yesterday?”

The angry red-haired man was definitely the person Onyx had in mind.

However, from the woman he mistook as Juliet from afar, he didn’t feel the familiar energy.


The baby dragon just tilted its head, not thinking too deeply about it.

However, it was a bit sullen over not finding Juliet.

Afterward, Onyx roamed the building for a while.

Peeping here and there, he picked up a small flower crown as mentioned by the priest apprentices and went all around the big terrarium, but in the end, he couldn’t find Juliet.

Onyx wasn’t tired, but as he walked around, he felt hungry.

Looking around, he was in a secluded place. He casually lied down next to a random pillar when suddenly something gripped his neck, lifting him up.


The startled baby dragon flailed its legs, but soon locked eyes with the person who had grabbed him.

It was a human man with red eyes.


Gently assessing the situation, Onyx laid limp.

Being hung by the neck was humiliating, but showing his belly and playing dead was the natural instinct of a young magical creature when faced with a much stronger opponent.

However, the man who rudely grabbed the dragon seemed to have no interest in whether Onyx showed his belly or not.

“Where is your owner?”


Onyx, who had been trying to avoid the gaze, slowly opened his eyes.

Do you know Juliet?

He sniffed.

It was the same scent that was on Juliet’s clothes.

Onyx tilted his head, recalling that he had seen this man a few days ago.


He was scary, but somehow felt alright.

* * *

In the end, after causing a commotion, Teo was confined to a temporary facility.

“We are currently searching for the people from the Marigold Merchant Guild. We’ve also contacted the elders.”

In place of Teo, Eshelrid went out to search for Juliet.

Eshel confirmed that Juliet was not inside the terrarium, just as Teo claimed.

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