Chapter 85

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Forgotten Juliete Chapter 85

“Who is this woman?”

“She’s the widow of the late Marquis of Guinness. They say she was his eighth wife.”

Though she was called his wife, she was no different from a slave.

In her past life, Baron Gaspar sold her countless times, and her fifth marriage was nothing short of a living hell.

The Marquis  of Guinness, her fifth husband, confined her in a tiny room where she could hardly move.

Chained, all she could do was pray for a swift death in this hell.

Then one day, the hell ended.

The Marquis of Guinness was defeated and killed in a political rivalry with the Duke of the North.

Juliet would never forget the moment when the castle fell and the once tightly shut doors opened.

Truly, it was the first time she saw someone so radiant.

Even the distinctive red eyes of the Carlyle Ducal family, which many found eerie, were a symbol of salvation to her.

“Your Grace, she’s ominous. It would be best to keep your distance.”

The Duke’s confidants viewed her with discomfort.

It was understandable. After being imprisoned and abused for so long, Juliet’s appearance was far from beautiful, rather, it was pitiable.

However, the Duke looked down at her with an inscrutable gaze and ordered:

“Take her to the castle.”

With that one command, she was sent to the Duke’s northern castle. There, she stayed as a guest under the Duke’s patronage.

No one mistreated her at the Duke’s castle. She was treated as a human being.

Perhaps her affection for him was similar to imprinting.

She was like that baby dragon hatching from its egg, unconditionally adoring and following Juliet, the first thing it sees.

Whether she was enamored by his looks in this life because of the imprint from her previous one, or if it was engraved in her soul, she didn’t know.

In both her first and second lives, Juliet loved watching this man sleep.

While he may seem cold as a winter wind when he speaks, at least the sleeping man never uttered sharp words or acted cruelly.

The early dawn when everyone else was asleep was Juliet’s favorite time. The man of those hours was wholly hers.

During the short dawn, Juliet dreamt even without falling asleep.

A dream she could have with her eyes open.

‘Maybe, since he hasn’t cast me aside yet, he might have some fondness for me.’

The maids who brushed her hair said so.

‘Despite the changing seasons, it’s the first time the Duke has kept someone by his side this long.’

Such words thrilled Juliet.

They gave her a glimmer of hope. She tried her best to never fall out of his favor.

She believed that, over time, he would eventually show her a fragment of his true feelings.

She didn’t mind if he never smiled at her or if he wasn’t kind. After all, he was inherently indifferent, known to be cold to others.

But dawn was brief, and so were Juliet’s dreams. It didn’t take her long to realize.

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