Chapter 76

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Forgotten Juliete Chapter 76

She got the shivers for no reason. When the conversation awkwardly stopped, Juliet opened her mouth.

“If we wait, my group will come to rescue me…”

Juliet’s words faded in strength.

The same anxiety as before resurfaced.

Will they really come looking for me?

Will even one person notice my absence and come looking for me?

As if reading Juliet’s thoughts, Hildegard suddenly said:

“It’s useless.”


Juliet, lost in thought, asked a bit angrily.

“Because your friends and family won’t notice that you’re gone.”

Juliet sensed the underlying meaning in Hildegard’s words.

It’s not simply that they won’t come to rescue, but they won’t even notice?

“…What do you mean?”

* * *

“Where on earth has she gone…”

As soon as Teo woke up in the morning, he began searching the terrarium.

He was certain that what he saw yesterday was definitely Juliet.

“Hey, you!”

However, Teo happened to spot a familiar silhouette and rushed over.

“Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you since yesterday?”

Teo was immediately angry.

It was a relief to him.

Teo wasn’t at the banquet hall where the commotion took place last night.

The wolf was injured, they said. Juliet had turned pale, they said.

He was worried and thought he should look for her.

However, while he was chasing after her, Juliet had seemingly vanished.

In any case, he was relieved now that he saw her.

He wasn’t sure why Juliet was coming out from the west building, the living area for the priests, rather than the east building, the lodging for the VIPs.

Teo looked up at the room Juliet just came out of.

This is the ritual preparation room, right?

“Teoharis Lebatan.”


Did you just call my full name?

Teo was slightly taken aback.

Looking closer, Juliet seemed off today.

She looked unusually pale.

Her voice sounded weird, too.



“I don’t want to talk right now. Please leave me alone.”

“Oh… Okay.”

Teo’s expression also turned serious.


The door closed right in front of him.

Juliet went back into the room she came out of.

Teo, in dismay, stared at the doorplate again.

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