Chapter 22 -Rafi Rashidi

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Zen tamped down on his instinctual petulance, knowing it wouldn't work in this situation. That brought him to moral superiority, but that would fall flat if he voiced it. He wasn't Kevyn, and shouldn't pretend to be. He went with honesty. "I suppose I did underestimate the consequences," he said. "I want to be free of my family's doings, but I leaned on their ability to keep me out of trouble all the same."

Evita nodded, satisfied, then said, "The train is barreling down on you, Zenneth. You must either board it, or stay far from the tracks. Sion, make certain he makes his choice before leaving your company."

"Of course, Empress," Sion said. "And, I may have use for him in my ranks."

"Do as you like," Evita said. Dread washed over Zen. Something larger and stickier than anything he felt about his family.

"What about Kevyn and Brock?" Zen asked. "They have nothing to do with this. Let them go home."

"I disagree," Evita said. "You have made them a part of this. Sion will sort you all out. And not just to decide how we move forward. There must be consequences for your indiscretions."

"This will cause an international incident," Kevyn said. "We're citizens of Kreta, and our Tribes. You can't just keep us here and make threats. Our families will miss us."

"I'm not worried about that," she said cryptically, though Zen thought he could fill in the blanks. She stood. Sion and Rafi did the same, and Lula stood up straight. They bowed as she turned and walked toward the door. "Rafi, please escort me to my room," she called over her shoulder. Rafi moved to her and took her arm.

There was a heavy silence when they left. Sion took his seat again. "We're of a kind, the three of us," Sion said at length to Zen and Kevyn. "All Marked. Derated, though not allowing ourselves to be degraded. I think that such a misfortune makes us hungier than most. To taste that fruit only rarely makes us want it even more."

"Greed is an endless pit, never satisfied," Kevyn said.

"Perhaps," Sion allowed. "But it also makes for Greatness."

"I respect, admire, all you've accomplished," Zen said. "I do. Though I probably don't want to know how you got there."

"You likely don't. But you will know it. Because you have some decisions to make. You would be very well compensated in my service."

"Service, or servitude?" Zen asked.

"Many people do things they hadn't planned on, or don't entirely like. That's life. And that's true of half the people that work for me, including Lula here."

"Oh, how'd you get him then?" Zen asked.

"I don't know you well enough to answer that," Lula said lightly.

"What do you do, Brock?" Sion asked. "You're a historian, yes?"

"Yeah," Brock said quietly.

"Perhaps you could do some research for me. Demon history is not very straightforward. Often obscured and full of misdirection, and I'm curious about a few legends."

"Alright," Brock said. Zen felt sick. He didn't blame his human friend for being as accommodating as he was. He must be scared shitless. Feel so powerless, even more than Zen.

"Perhaps you would appreciate some time to contemplate the position you're in," Sion suggested, looking at Zen carefully. "I think it will be helpful in our discussions. We'll show you to your rooms." They all stood and made for the door. Zen was all for having time away from Sion, but the idea of being given a room made him feel like he was sinking ever deeper into this. "Wait," the General said, and everyone stopped. "I think your first lesson in consequences is still in order. Lula," he called. "Show Kevyn where defiance leads you."

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