Decisions, decisions

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A/N: Here's a special chapter written with the participation of the FreetheLGBT Discord! It was a choose-your-own adventure style event where what happens next was voted for by the readers. This is a reimagining of the Summer Solstice and the events are key to the story, so it wasn't all fun and games! I'm going to weave this in seamlessly during edits. Please pardon the inconsistency for the moment and take this chapter as the truth. Enjoy!

Zen arrived at the Thunderplains with Kevyn beside him. This place was never his home, but something about it felt like it was. The smell of the damp loamy earth and cedar. The charge in the air surrounded and permeated his being. It was going to be a good Summer Solstice tomorrow. They would call the storms and revel in the joy of it. Kevyn had his own Tribe and customs to get to, but he could wait until midday tomorrow to join them.

"Let's check out the stalls," Zen said, gently tugging Kevyn's hand. Kevyn smiled at his enthusiasm and followed along.

The square was bustling with activity. Neon signs shone like hundreds of beacons. It would look even more spectacular at night. To the left was a shooting game with wooden targets. A young elf planted his feet and shot one arm forward. A bolt of lightning surged from his arm but missed his mid-range target. "Awwww," he said.

There was a race track to the right. Horses, large birds, and their riders milled about. A digital clock ticked down a fifteen-minute countdown until race time. 'Walk-ins welcome,' was burnt onto a wooden sign. Kevyn laughed in delight.

Furthest along were signs for the botanical walking path. Zen longed to feel the native leaves between his fingers.

"Where to?" Kevyn asked.

Time to vote! Use the icon representing your selected answer. The 24-hour voting period begins now.

1: Target practice

2: Race track

3: Nature walk X


"I want to show you the walking path," Zen said.

"I'm game," Kevyn replied.

"This way," said Zen, and led Kevyn by the hand.

Many eyes followed them as they made their way through the crowd, but no one approached. Zen wouldn't have his day of celebrity until tomorrow and was content to take advantage of his low-status today.

A rainy mist began by the time they made it to the path and away from the gaze of others. The droplets kissed his face and arms. Tremendous cedar trees and lush red and yellow ferns surrounded them in a gentle embrace. Zen ran a frond between his thumb and forefinger, feeling the raised veins and silken texture made even smoother by the mist.

"Is it always so damp?" Kevyn mock complained.

Zen laughed. "Not all the time. But the others are already calling the Storm."

"Can't wait to see it, Stormbringer," Kevyn replied.

A grotto lay at the end of the path, and couples and small groups dotted the space. To one side was a monument to the Thunderbird. Four trees were decorated in white and yellow paint with the triangular and arced symbology of the bird. A rock in the center depicted the magical creature itself, with its grace and largess.

"It's said that the Thunderbird will lend aid to those in the Tribe with strong and noble hearts, but it hasn't been seen in decades," Zen said.

"I will speak with it," someone said confidently, a bit cockily, to his side.

Awan, the Chief's son, now sat on a nearby rock, surrounded by three of his friends.

"Oh?" asked Zen, and bowed his head briefly with expected deference.

Equilibriumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें