Chapter 23 - Let's make a deal

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"Did we just get stolen?" Kevyn asked, sitting down heavily on the sofa.

"They're essentially modern-day warlords," Brock said matter of factly.

"Which means we can get returned upon negotiation, or the intervention of a greater force," Zen said, sitting next to Kevyn. "Let me see your face." Kevyn looked at him and Zen placed his palm lightly on his injured cheek. It would bruise if Zen didn't heal him.

"They took our phones, so we can't call anyone for help," Brock said.

"Kara will be sounding the alarm, I'm sure," Zen said.

"That's great, but we still have to have this 'discussion' with Sion before anyone has the chance to come knocking on the door if Rafi will even admit where we are. Sion Nox," Kevyn said in awe.

"We'll demand to make contact," Zen said. He inspected Kevyn's head next - where he'd cracked it. Kevyn winced this time. Zen started healing that too. "And Rafi has to say something to my family, or risk the entire relationship."

"He's allied with these people, so we don't know what he's willing to do," Kevyn said.

"So we agree to stay away from now on. 'Get out of the way', as Evita said.

"I can do a little research for them if it gets me out of here," Brock said.

"And we'll see what the minimum is for us," Zen said to Kevyn. "Working for him, though, is not on the table. And we probably won't even have to do all we negotiate since Chay and my family haven't weighed in yet."

"Yeah," Kevyn agreed, relieved at the notion. Zen lowered his hand, healing done. "Thanks."

"Maybe not, Zen," Brock said. "They called you out for expecting favors. Be careful."

"I will. And, if nothing else, there's always escape." Zen smirked.


Lula escorted them to the dining room an hour later. There's a two-hour time difference here, so it was an especially long day for the trio in addition to being a trying one.

They passed a brawny-looking demon dressed in black, and an ice elf with similar features to the one they saw in the reception room. "How many of you work directly for Sion?" Zen asked Lula.

"That's a state secret," Lula replied teasingly. "But, there are five of us here at the moment."

"Is Rafi one? Both he and Sion are Shadow Folk."

"No," he said and winked, laughing. "He's Her Majesty's."


The dining table sat six, and Sion was already seated at the head, waiting for them. He made a small gesture for them to be seated. Lula left as they sat, closing the door behind them. They ate their plated steak dinners in silence for a few minutes.

"I've taken the time to consider the possibilities," Sion then said. "And I hope that you've done the same. My proposition is this: The three of you work as my liaisons and researchers for the next six months. You will live here in my Keep and have all the privileges of being my employees. You'll have a generous salary and I won't overwork you. But you will be on call at any time. Decline and you will not have privilege or salary, but you will remain here."

"We'll be your prisoners?" Zen asked.

"If you want to call it that," Sion replied.

"And after six months," Kevyn said, "we're free to go?"

"Yes. Though, I wonder if you will want to."

Zen scoffed.

"You don't like bending, I can see that," Sion said, "but don't fail to do so for spite. It's not to your advantage."

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