Chapter 22

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Lo'ak had led the group towards where they would begin their training. It seems like the four newcomers had difficulty keeping up with Lo'ak Vaylu. No one could blame them as they were in new surroundings and were no longer in the ocean or forest. Lo'ak seems able to walk with his head held up, and when they pass anyone, the people will show respect to Lo'ak and Vaylu. Vaylu is the brother of the olo'eythan so that was easy to understand but Lo'ak seems to have the same level of respect as Vaylu.

Spider " wow you seem like a popular guy around here"

Vaylu " well he is one of the clan might warriors why shouldn't he be popular"

Spider " it just that he not the same guy I remember always running on some new adventure and doing some dangerous stunt"

Lo'ak " I'm still the same spider I do go on adventures and do dangerous stunts, but I have changed as well we're all young adults now we have all matured"

Vaylu " so Iva and sova what all that about"

Lo'ak " well I think she has a crush on him because whenever we talk about him she starts to smile, and they seem very close as well"

Vaylu " umm my nephew does seem to be very close to Iva as well that have a special bond"

????? " who has a special bond"

Lo'ak " oh Awuma there are you I thought you will not be coming" all four males had looked and saw a young women walking over to them, the way she embrace Vaylu and then Lo'ak raised alarms in everyone minds.

Awuma " like I was going to leave you two with our guest"

Neteyam " hello I'm neteyam Lo'ak brother and this is my mate aonung along with his brother Rotox and my cousin spider"

Awuma " oh yes I have heard a lot about you all" Awuma had glared that four males as they stood there she seem not to like them.

Vaylu " where is nago and upix"

Nago " we are here no need to worry" soon two other males and comes they were wearing mask as well,  nago was wearing a mask while upix had his hooded over his head hiding most of his face.

Upix " so these are the newcomers we have been told about they have a brotherly bond with our best friend Lo'ak"

Spider " wait so these are your new friends"

Lo'ak " yes you really didn't think I will spend seven years of my life here alone"

Spider " no I'm jut getting use to how much your life is different from ours"

Lo'ak " umm"

Vaylu " well enough talking let see what you all our made of"

The metkayaina village
It had been a day since the four young man had left the village and it seems like none of the parents had notified after the fight that unfolded. Kiri was with her sister and Tsireya as the three of them were trying to come up with some to tell their mother and father,along with their uncles when tell them all that their sons left to find Lo'ak. All three of them knew this news will not be taken well by any of the adults.

Tuk " do you think they are okay"

Kiri " tuk clam down we don't need you getting work up about them being gone"

Tuk " but Kiri mom and dad will noticed neteyam is not here and if we have family dinner, they are going to know he gone he never misses one" the two older girls knew Tuk was right sooner or later all the parents will find out that the four older males were gone, and once they knew their sons had went after Lo'ak they were going to lose it. As the boys has disobey the orders of their fathers and mostly important their olo'eythans.

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