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I find some of the most ignorant things funny.

I sometimes enjoy eating pizza and junk food until my tummy begins to feel queasy.

I am an emotional human beings.
It's hard for me to hide my feelings.
I do not hide my feelings.

I cry.

I laugh.

and when I'm upset, sometimes I can be calmed with a relaxing bubble bath.

and other times I need to get out and get active to distract my mind.

A "busy body."

Never knowing how tired I am until I finally give in and allow my body to drift off into the thing people find the most peace, sleep.

I compliment people without expecting anything in return.

I take pride in sentimental connecting because that's all I have to offer of my loving.

I am a ray of sunshine.

The light of if not many than my own life.

My light so bright I attract some people like flys, and others turn away out of ill disguise of jealous comparison.

Experiencing every day as if it'll never end.

So, as my perspective of its meaning changes, while you indulge in complaining, I'll smile when remembering the feeling of peace and true happiness.

Being.. childish.

- LaDonna

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