14. Yule

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ok here's what I've come up with the 28 families I know I haven't got it right ok i couldn't find names that were before 1960 ok so I've made some up, head of family first then their heir

Peverell- Errikos with Galen and Kamari

Abbot- Gillard, daughter Selene
Avery- Astro Sr., son Astro Jr
Black- Arcturus, Orion with Sirius and Regulus
Bulstrode- Violetta, daughter Emilie
Burke- Eustance, daughter Matilda
Carrow- Clementina, twins Amycus and Alecto
Crouch- Bartemius Sr., Barty Jr
Fawley- Hector, son Kai
Gaunt- Errikos, twin Galen and Kamari
Greengrass- Cereus, daughter Amalia
Lestrange- Rayden, son's Rodolphus and Rabastan
Longbottom- Neville, son....... a surprise in the chapter
Macmillan- Pippa, daughter Rosie
Malfoy- Abraxas, son Lucius
Nott- Cantankerous, son Nathaniel
Ollivander- Garrick
Parkinson- Pius, daughter Primrose
Prewett- Muriel, nephews Fabien and Gideon
Roiser- Evan, son Felix
Rowle- Euphemia, daughter Regina
Selwyn- Silvanus, daughter Victoria
Shacklebolt- Tarquin, son Kingsley
Shafiq- Aiden, daughter Eliza
Slughorn- Horace
Travers- Torquil, daughter Alisa
Weasley- Septimus- Arthur
Yaxley- Corban, son Levi

Minister of Magic as of 1965:
Nobby Leach- first Muggleborn Minister 1962-1968

Errikos was busy and I mean busy he had no idea why he had decided to host Yule at hos place but still everyone had seen him and excepted to be asked to join in the Yule celebrations at his manor as well as the Minister and if course Dumbledore was also going to be there he inwardly screamed at this all, plus he had to plan the twins birthday as well on new Year's Eve things couldn't get any worse than this

The twins had helped decorate the log in everything that was needed as well as the tree under it all were presents for them but they wondered why there were so many and had asked

"Well boys we are going to have many people to celebrate with us for Yule and they are coming with their children as well and each child will get one present from us in welcoming hence why there are so many but you will have more to open Christmas day you'll be allowed to open one with the children and then Christmas day the rest you'll be allowed to open"

The two sighed they didn't want to share this but their papa had said that was going to be done plus they did have their birthday only six days later so...

"Why does Dumbletwat have to come I did not send an invite to him I know for that much" he wasn't happy that he was piggy backing on the Minister's invite which most definitely said no plus one so how...

He looked at the letter sitting in front of him

My dearest Errikos

I am so very pleased to accept the invitation to your Yule Ball celebration, I can not wait I will be arriving with Minister Nobby Leach you do know him right?

You after all have been out of touch now for many years and now you only just appear and with two little boys tut tut I'm ashamed of you what would dear Bella think of you after she sadly lost her life in such a terrible way, I'm so ashamed to have known her if you cast her out like that for two children who aren't even yours

Again I am ashamed of you and the family that you come from

Other than that I do look forward to it, I must know how you have been and have you thought about joining me at Hogwarts as a professor?

You can bring your darling little ones with you I'm sure that I can get someone to watch them for you while you teach

Until the coming Yule, remember I do like sherbet lemons

Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Errikos had felt the compulsions try and take hold but he just laughed the damn old coot was again trying to rule his life but little did he know was that the Peverell line was immune to potions, spells and compulsions to say the least it was after they met Death and he had chosen his Master that was

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