22. Creature Bill

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Errioks strolled through the Ministry not happy he had left his children... his hyperactive children... his children who were sensitive to sugar run amok in the Manor due to Fred and George giving them two whole damn boxes of Poptarts to eat and due to that...

...yeah his friends were on their own with that one mind you he wasn't happy he just didn't need it today of all things, today was important and hopefully it would pass and that meant every creature would be registered and that they would get medical help and even jobs, the werewolves would have a safe place to turn, a trunk of sorts or ward off a forest or something so then they can transform peacefully, the vampires would have a blood bank of sorts to help with their hunger and anyone that wanted to donate their own blood they could, best yet out it all would that everyone in Knockturn would be able to get an education as well as a job in time.... it was something that just had to pass it would help all creatures around....

It had to pass!

"Ah Errikos my boy what a surprise that you are here" said Dumbledore to him

"Ah Headmaster Dumbledore I don't think I ever gave you permission to call me by my first name" said Errikos to him not pleased with him if he was trying to rule his life like he did before he had another thing coming and that payback was a bitch and with his full title going on show today well lets say some people will be very very shocked at who Errikos Ignotus Peverell really was....

He was Lord Errikos Ignotus Peverell-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin-Ravenclaw he was a 5x Lord in his own right he would get through the arse that is Dumbles....

It was then that Minister Nobby Leach came forward

"Ah, Dumbledore and Lord Peverell! please come in, come in!" Nobby stood and welcomed Errikos and Dumbles into his office with a beaming smile, Errikos took his hand and smiled through the man's disgustingly sweaty hand that he felt beyond his winter gloves.

"Minister," he nodded his countenance was stern but polite.

"Nobby," smiled Dumbles as he nodded as well.

"Ah no none of that, please call me Nobby please I can't have such a powerful Lord call me that now can I" waved his hand around, giving them another beaming smile.

"Then I insist you call me Errikos, Nobby"

"Of course, of course," Nobby signalled them to take a seat, "Tea, coffee?"

"Tea will be fine, thank you."

Nobby snapped his finger and a tray arrived, he made himself a cup of tea as per his guest's taste as he babbled, "I must say, Errikos, this has been a pleasant surprise, to say the least, that some of our old Pure-blood lines are not dead yet who would have guessed that the Peverell line was active in Greece?"

"And Slytherin," Errikos smiled pleasantly as he accepted his cup of tea, nonverbally and wandlessly checking for anything before taking a sip he sighed slightly at the taste

"Pardon me?" Nobby glanced up surprised from serving Dumbles another cup.

"My very own family is the only one left of the Slytherin linage I tend to keep it private as I hear that that this side of the family is considered dark here and I didn't want to cause such a fuss over my name sadly but it seems that I have by the look of the Headmaster here"

Nobby looked momentarily stunned for a minute, before recovering and giving another beaming smile, "this is an excellent piece of news, two of our very own lines still active."

"Thank you, Nobby, say I pay you a compliment on the recent legislation that you supported regarding the usage of the Ministry Budget? it was a quite clever one I completely agree with opening a fundraiser for the acceptance of donations from all the willing families Merlin knows Ministry needs every help it could get to make sure Magical Britain is working smoothly, after all."

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