16. Interfering

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I'm writing this while recovering from a seizure so worry for spelling and grammar mistakes don't hold it against me please 🙏🥺

Dumbles sat in his office who did that brat think he was telling him off in front of everyone like that he was the oh so great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore! he would rue the day he didn't that to him!

Yes he was only a professor but that didn't mean he had bigger plans in the works, yes he went from a slum of a home to a much better place he had managed to complete his studies and became the DADA professor but that was only for a time, pah he hates it and so went to teach Transfiguration which he would admit was fun as in his spare time he did; and he would never admit to anyone; that he did Transfigure a few undesirables namely those in Slytherin yuck when he was Headmaster he would get rid of that blasted house

He would admit that he did love writing for the Transfiguration Today and due to that everyone started to love his work but better yet back in 1899 he met the most handsome man that he grew to love, he was after all gay, but back then it was frowned on but he didn't care he had his lover who loved hom back they even created a blood pact which could only be broken if their spells met without intent to attack one another

If only their plan to start a global wizarding war to force the blasted Muggles into subservience had happened but alas it didn't as he finally realised what a horrible person hos lover Gallery truly was and so helped his brother to defeat Gellert he was heartbroken but alas it happened

In early 1920's he did have a marvellous time learning under Nicholas Flamel in France learning about Alchemy and he had started to get intrigued with the study of dragons blood, 12 different kinds, this helped him get a place in Hogwarts to teach the children, he smiled at this

Drawn to the DADA position to help his students flourish and help them defend themselves for what was to come from his lover he didn't want anyone to go through that, if they lost their lives oops not his fault

The global wizarding war did go off, like they had planned back when he was a teen and it happened between 1926-1945 and the Muggles would call it World War II and Gellert was caught even though he couldn't do anything due to the pact they had did all those years ago and put into prison of Gellert's own design Nurmengard where afterwards kept the Elder Wand, he smiled at that he was extremely powerful now

Now onto his plans he had wanted to get hold of those undesirable twins in that damn orphanage and he was but a blasted day late to get hold of them, they were so powerful as one they were like Ying and Yang to say the least he need that damn power, that blasted matron let his powerhouses go with that blasted Lord who came from nowhere!

"I will get you back for this Errikos my boy mark my words! no one says no to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and gets away with it" he laughed after tossing everything onto the floor the only thing he didn't was the monitor system he had on the boys since he made Eileen but them there sometimes he love the Unforgivables a spell here and there and bam everyone follows his lead

"Now to get those boys from him and have them raised how I like them to be, Tom can go back to where he came from and Severus a spell here and there will have Eileen thinking she married Tobias Snape, no way am I calling them those ridiculous names they had been given, oh i can't wait for all of this, they will be raised like pigs to slaughter nothing could go wrong unless that bastard blood adopted them then....." he stopped and ran out of his office almost knocking into Dippet

"Albus classes are about to start where are you going?!"

"Armando something important has come out out of the blue really" he kept running and Apparited to Gringotts right away and demanded to see someone anyone to be honest

A goblin came out and sighed he knew that he was coming it was only time and now the idiot was here

"Mr Dumbledore what can we at Gringotts do for you?!" he asked as politely from goblin as he could muster for the idiot as he brought him to his office

"I need information about two boys that have been adopted! I need it now" he said as he sat down without being asked to

"We at Gringotts can not do that without them present" said the goblin sitting down and steepling his fingers as he looked at the idiot in front of him

"They are 5! they wouldn't know what was happening please I fear they are in grave danger from Errikos!"

"Lord Peverell-Ravenclaw-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin has done nothing wrong"

"He took two away from their home in other words he kidnapped them we need to get them back to their parents I know the Snape family is missing their son Severus"

"We have no one named Snape on the books here at Gringotts we know who has each vault and no one of that name has one here"

"Eileen Prince is her name she married a Muggle and had Severus please help me reunite a family"

"That is none of our business that would full to your Minister Mr Dumbledore if you do not have anymore business with us please leave" the goblin waited and woth bated breath the idiot did leave and went to the Ministry amd to speak to Nobby Leach

He was busy working on new regulations but he spilt his ink when Dumbles came slamming into his office

"What in blue blazes is going on here?!" he looked at Dumbles

"Sorry Nobby my boy it's important you see young Errikos has kidnapped two children and I'm here to return them to their parents the Snape family are besides themselves with worry over the kidnapping"

"Well that's a very worrying accusation there Dumbledore do you have any proof of this if you do I'll send the Auror's to Lord Peverell-Ravenclaw-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin right away and see to it myself"

Dumbles paled he had no real evidence but he did have forged evidence that he was going to plant with Eileen anyway so he pulled it out of his pocket and handed it over

Nobby took it and read it over carefully it took him a few minutes making Dumbles sweat slightly

"We'll investigate this but as it's Lord Peverell-Ravenclaw-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin I don't think it will go any further than this he is well known even if he was a recluse due to his wife dying not long ago, thank you for bringing this to my attention"

Dumbles left a smirk on his face he would soon have those boys and their magic, oh their glorious magic

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