26. Abraxas Malfoy POV

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I was reading the paper at breakfast with my morning cup of coffee how very bland but it was my complete norm as I watched my pride and joy sitting next to me eating his pancakes I have no idea why he likes those damn things but his mother loved them and he would always ask for them at least once a week and all day on my wife Farrah's birthday

I sighed at it all this was becoming so mundane and so repetitive that I was completely bored with my life if only I wasn't forced into the marriage yes we were best friends growing up and everything and then out of the blue our father's did a damn marriage contract and even though I am a Veela.... I'm a bloody well creature and he knowns that but still did it anyway

Father knew it wouldn't go well that my magic would lash out and would eventually kill my precious pearl, my Farrah and sadly it did only three years after the birth of our only son... my sole heir Lucius... oh how I miss her and her quiet singing she always did as she went about her day

The strange way she would know that I had had a bad day at the Ministry and that I needed some Scotch and some quiet, she wasn't any type of creature like the Malfoy family was and that was ok with me I married my best friend but still I was missing something and the mark in the crease of my elbow said two names, well one name more than the other as growing up I knew that there were two names but one was always blurry and I couldn't make out what it said and I kept the other hidden

Father would be displeased to know that his heir was gay of all things to him it wasn't pure but how do I tell my best friend that he's my mate when he's married to that awful woman and that they have two children- two wonderful boys but they would soon turn on both of their parents if that vile bitch has anything to do with it all

I could see if coming it would either be Orion snapping at her and leaving but because she's of the branch family she would lose her footing and become a disgrace to the whole 28 Scared Families and knowing that cow she wouldn't want to do that

I sigh making my pride and joy look up his chin dripped syrup as he smiled at me

"Father are you ok?" said Lucius to me and I smiled

"I'm ok son just thinking that's all" I smiled at him

"How about me and you spend some time together as I haven't been around much due to work I can tell everyone I'm busy and cancel my meetings how about that?" I asked hoping he would say yes to me

"Really Father we can spend time together, can we go to the park or or spend time with mummy in the portrait hall?"

"How about my little spark we go and see mummy and then have a picnic in the garden's just me and you?"

"Yes Father lets go" he got up and ran off his shoulder length hair I noticed needed a cut soon but I was afraid to cut it due to it reminding me of Farrah way to much

We finished our breakfast and headed to the portrait hall and I can already hear Lucius talking away a mile a minute to his mothers picture about his new friends Galen and Kamari I think their names were, well Lord Peverell chose the perfect names for them Galen- calm and peaceful or Healer in Greek and Kamari- moon or moonlight in Sanskrit it was very fitting with his jet black hair and eyes that sparkled

"Oh my handsome colt is here, hi baby" said Farrah from the portrait of herself how I missed her

"My pearl how are you on this fine morning?"

"I am and always be perfect even if I'm a portrait which I would of liked if I was older but it never happened and I'm frozen in time but it's been so long since I saw you both" she smiled at us

"Mother, Father and me are going to have a picnic today! do you want come with us?"

"Oh my little spark I can't mum is in the portrait and can't come out remember" said my darling wife which made me sigh over it all I wish I could hold her once again, I thin remembered the old portable portrait that she could move into

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