16. Daksh

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The blood in my veins boils at 200°C even after seeing the fucker lying on the floor dead but not dead . Sia gasps breathing in and out with the bag still clutched to her chest .

I grab her upper arm and take her out before any other asshole gets to see her coffee covered cotton dress on full display. I unbutton and throw my shirt around her shoulders while she looks at me with rage . You looking at me like that?
Almost everyone who passes by now gapes at my tattooed body rather than at her which is good.

"That was completely unnecessary " she expresses through her trembling pink lips .

"Shut up" I leave the door of my Mercedes wide open for her .

"I'm not coming with you"

"Stop trying to be difficult rabbit , I'm not gonna eat you up get in . There's no way I'm leaving you here like that" infact, there is no way I'm ever leaving you no matter what , since I was fucking five I've always and always wanted you . Other things are just a way to get away from the hell I'm trapped in . Inside my own fucking brain.

"I don't-- "

"What ! Get in godamnit " I walk towards her again.

"I don't feel safe with you any-m-more" she shifts her gaze to the floor .

"Good for you" I grab her upper arm and push her inside the black car .

She still clutches her bag , as if anxiety is hitting her.

I place my hand on her rocking thigh "Relax"

"Don't touch me daksh " she tries to move my hand which is rigid .

"Then touch who"

"Touch anyone I don't care , leave me alone" she gets distracted from the tension building in her mind and the darkness eating her heart .

It's best to listen to what she wants she has had enough for the day, so I'll just drop her home and catch up with what Reyansh's been doing about that Joshua's sister .

She steps out of the car in front of their white marbled Mansion "have-have you always been like that" she looks at me with hope . I hate hope .

"Like what?"

"Like you hurt people so bad and then drive your black Mercedes like nothing ever happened? Have you forever been like that Daksh"

I tighten my grip on the wheel and look into her eyes " I have "

A wave of evident distress hits her and she sprints inside .I text aunt Shruti about her before heading to our building. At least someone in her family isn't extra rude with me.

I reach at the black tower with glass windows.The three of us are mostly together at this place and we make all plans here, mostly . I throw a black hoodie over my shoulders and pull the fabric down before covering my head . Grabbing a Grey bandana I cover my face and head straight inside . A man dressed in black greets me and I give him my car keys . I put in my fingerprint to get inside the elevator . Meanwhile , I remove the hoodie and brush my hair with my fingers .

"Does she not like me at all? I thought I'm handsome " I utter before I hear the door slide open. I'm startled upon hearing music. Loud music . As I stroll through the corridor to find which room it's coming from . The last room with attached balcony has purple light coming from it and I instantly know who that fucker is . The music becomes louder and louder with each step I take forward.

"At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean
Now I wanna be yours
Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours"

I find him sprawled on a couch with his eyes fixed at the roof . His shirt lying on the doorstep and a joint sitting between his fingers. He's completely zoned out.

I click my tongue picking his shirt and throwing it at his face"Get your shit together, king . Fucking once and for all"

He takes the joint to his mouth taking a long drag and blows the smoke as if sighing.

"You" he points his finger with the joint towards me "fuck off"

"Who the fuck has--" Rey stops at the threshold " lost his mind in love" .

Reyansh turns off the music and finally turns normal lights on "I told you daksh, any sane person would never , never fucking ever want that crazy little lizard"

"And any sane man wouldn't be friends with a fucker like you" king points to his arm where that symbol of friendship sits in the form of a tattoo. Reyansh has the same cross on his arm . There was only one time when Reyansh went away from me and he came back with someone new . It stings but this fucker , king is equally important to me for saving reyansh and Aunt Ishani afterall . The whole Raghuvanshi family is happy becuase of him and he is alive because of them.

"You scared the shit out of that girl" reyansh speaks pulling me out of past memories .

"and you're the caring one now ?"

He circles looking something under his foot" zero fucks I give to both of yours ranting , I have to pick up the new consignment from a capo who's here in India just for today ." He gets going.

"And what is it?"

He turns around with a smirk "PK"
Russian fucking machine guns.
Expect Some, decent, small little shit from Raghuvanshis ? Nope never.

King gets up keeping his shirt on his broad tattoed shoulder ."I'm in" he heads out first .

I follow them and we soon reach at the place . Reyansh leaves us alone to get the cartons loaded in a carry truck . He sends them off while I stand with king near my car . The road is dark, silent and nobody else is here except us when the cars leave after the capo shakes hand with reyansh . He grabs something under his arm and walks straight towards us.

"I fucking love this thing" he places it on the stand in the centre of the road .
"Looks fatal" king utters examining it carefully .

"it is fucking sexy" reyansh says with a plane face but shining eyes.

"The only thing you'll ever find sexy is this" I chuckle "and I'm proud of that" he gets up . King and I lean againt the car while he still keeps caressing the thing like it's a puppy .

Suddenly I hear some musical sounds . I get startled when I look to our right . From the dark someone comes running towards us . King and I exchange glances when we realize she's a girl . Or a bride maybe ? About eight men chasing behind the poor girl. Before I can open my mouth to say something , anything she's right near us .So Fucking naive,simple and pure . Surprisingly, She grabs Reyansh's arm and clutches to him , wrapping both her arms around his. He finally shifts his gaze from the gun towards her face. She's so small in front of him . Her eyes red with tears when she opens her trembling lips looking at him and only him, like her life depends on him . Which for this situation is exactly right .

"P-please s-save m-me " my heart sinks to the way she cries her heart out . I completely expect reyansh to shove her away but I for sure am gonna help her.

King opens his mouth to say something but reyansh grabs her hand removing it from his arm. He brings her behind himself protectively as he faces those who chase her . After turning the gun in their direction , I hear him say "might as well test it today"


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