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If someone tells me I'm drooling at a football match... Gosh!

But that's the case now. Millie Zakharov, in a tight black sweater that fits perfectly over her breasts, which bounce with every movement. Millie Zakharov, sipping a beer and shouting from the stands, determined to prove she's one of the biggest fans of college football. She could bloody well do the same at my game, yet I don't mind, because seeing the gleam of her excited eyes at the kickoff makes up for everything.

"Asshole! That wasn't fair!" she shouts, pouting.

She is the woman of my dreams!

All the guys are staring at me, and I can see their eyes widen as the two bombshells sitting next to me cheer wildly. Jo, next to Millie, is booing the opposing players when a guy stops next to me and looks around.

"Excuse me, is this the sixteenth row?" he asks loudly, trying to out-shout the crowd.

Everyone is standing, making it impossible to calculate the lines, and the numbers are well worn. I look to the side and see the empty seat next to Jo.

"Are you Nate, Jo's brother?" I ask.

"Unfortunately," he grins, and I laugh.

"Jo," I address him. She turns to me and when she sees her brother, she gives him a quick wave.

"How about you two move down. Then I won't have to hear my sister talk trash."

I agree, so I gently push the girls over so Nate can join us. It's interesting, because he doesn't look anything like Jo, except that they both have dark, odd shades of green in their eyes. Nate's hair is light brown and straight, while Jo's face is framed by dark, curly locks. Apart from that, their features are similar.

"So, how's the game going?" she asks excitedly. "I have no idea when I was last at a Rhodes game".

"We're leading so far. Rhodes just scored."


"How do you know him?"

"We both went to NYU. He transferred here two years ago. We were best buds back then."

"He is one of my best friends, but Jo doesn't know him."

Of course, I don't bring home all my friends, it's only fair, the fact that Brox and Bailee knew my mom is because our friendship goes back to more than just our college years.

"So you play football too?" I ask.

"Sure! I took Dylan's place when he left," he laughs. "We ran them into the ground last time".

I heard a rumour that NYU kicked their ass. I made fun of it as much as I could.

"So... Dylan knows your family?" I ask cautiously, though I have no idea what the hell caution is. I asked with complete candour.

"It didn't really work out for us to go to each other's houses in the summer. Dylan's from Toronto and we live here on the east coast, but not close enough for him to come down on weekends. With all the training, it just didn't fit. But my parents invite him every summer. So far, he's managed to pop down to our lakeside cottage once, but that time it was just me and my buddies from home. It would be nice to do it again."

"Do you often go away during the summer?"

"Every August," he nods. "We're planning to do it again this year, and Jo can finally come with us. My friends love her" he shakes his head. "They're starting to love her more than me" he snorts, making me laugh.

𝑺𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑼𝑻𝑬𝑺 /𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑦 𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑘/ ✓Where stories live. Discover now