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Ryu Shi-oh stood frozen exactly where Tsetseg had left him, looking down at his tingling hand.

Comming back to his senses, he took out the phone from his inner pocket.

'Sir I am tailing her vehicle as we spea-'

'Dont, there's no need, get out from there and lay low for a while'

He had tried sounding his usual self, distant and stoic but today's events had shaken him up, nothing could be done now to keep his hands steady or his trembling hands and fluttering heart.

It was second time in a row now, he felt stupid. He had questioned her, all the while  being faulty himself.

He sat in silence for hours trying to identify what was the purpose for involving Tsetseg, why had he seeked her?
What made him like her or listen to her?

The only answer he could find was the desire to have someone strong and reliable by his side, who would guide him be honest and eloquent and most importantly was wise.
In his life he had only seen people shrouded in lies with misleading intentions and no care for humanity.

He had almost gave up on Idea of this world having an ounce of justice and love.

In the beginning, he had thought many times of exploiting her strength, caging her to his side but now it all felt ages ago and stupid.

All he had desired was a friend who would trust him, believe in him,stand by him.
Accept him with his hideous scars from the past.

Tsetseg had proved everything that had felt impossible to him.

He had been horrible and vile. How many times had he thought of staring over, escaping the dark clutches of the past, rising above it all only to sink back down realising how weak and alone he was.

He thought of Tsetseg now, like a merciful diety ready to grant him forgiveness and redemption.

Could he do that?

'Its better to die than live with burdened soul'
She was brave and altruistic, too good for him.

How many times, he had nightmares of all people he had to kill because of Pavel? Wanting to die himself ?
But he still had done it to shamelessly survive, to see another day, to free himself.

He had wanted to let go of the suffocating thread of his life but found himself not brave enough.

Tsetseg had clicked a part of him that had been locked away hidden behind the curtains of self doubt.

'If your partner is this brave, you can learn a thing or two from it' his heart said blooming with warmth and adoration.

He moved to the huge window again, his heart gave a shuddering  jolt when his eyes fell on the small figure walking out of the office and towards the park.

For the first time in his long, miserable life, he felt his eyes brimming, with joy of knowing that there did exist someone who cared for him and with pain, of all the past times when he had craved for it.

Now he wanted to be a better person, atleast for Tsetseg.
She deserved so much more, but he decided to start from basics.



I quickly got out of his office, clenching my hands to stop them from quivering.

I hadn't lied about a single thing.

When had I decided exactly to give him a chance? Was it from the very beginning of when he showed kindness or when I saw how vulnerable his eyes were or perhaps when I removed the watch?

I didn't care.

Walking out of the building, I whipped out my phone.

'Mother? Are you alright? I asked breathless.

'Yes love, although I thought I could expect some action considering I was being followed by a huge truck but I guess I was wrong, I am almost home now,anyways what's the matter? did that devil say something?'

'No, I'll talk to you tonight'

Relieved, I breathed deeply, expelling all dark thoughts and worries.

There was a huge park nearby. I decided to go for a stroll, to calm my nerves.

He had changed his decision.
He was not a monster then.

There was a tap on my shoulder, looking back, I saw Ms Baek looking worried and confused.

'Ms baek, what are you doing here?'
I was surprised to see her, she was not the sort to abandon her work and come for a stroll like me.

'What are you doing here? And what is going on between you and ceo?'
She said crossing her arms, looking down at me Questioningly.

I moved on the bench to make space for her.
She came around and sat beside me, still annoyed but curious.

'what do you mean?' I said, surprised.
Had they heard me shouting like a crazy person in his office?

'He asked me to keep you company today, has something happened? Did you two fight?

I couldn't stop the smile threatening to spread across my face, engulfing me in a warm rush of excitement.

'You have quite an imagination Ms Baek'

Suddenly the day seemed pleasant and cheerful.


Far away, in a dimly lit room, a voice echoed.

'Still no leads on him?'

The voice demanded attention and respect,  promising hell, if failed to do so.

'No, he didn't leave the building'

A figure sat, in the chair, placed in the centre of the room, unmoving and sharp like the edge of a knife.
When it spoke again, there was no mistaking the threat and disdain in it.

'Bring him to me, you have only two days'

'Yes, boss'

There was a pause.

'When you enter the building, don't forget to convey my message to the owner, this time with urgency and a bit of a force.'


I'll upload soon.
Phew, I think we are over the questioning phase now.
It is time for increasing the chemistry between shio and Tsetseg.

Btw can anyone suggest me some good apps for video editing?I wanted to make a few edits, though I've never done it, I wanted to give it a try.🗿❤️


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