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"I love you but you can't be pushing yourself that hard

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"I love you but you can't be pushing yourself that hard." My mom says on the other side of the phone. "It's starting again mom. I don't know what to do." I say my voice cracking.

I look at myself in the mirror and i hate what i see.

You are so weak Katerina. Only made to pleasure me. I'm the strong one. You are nothing.

Get out of my head Max. Get the fuck out of my head. I slap my temple as tears run down my face.

"Get out. Get the fuck out of my head. Not again." I yell throwing my phone towards the mirror as i back up towards the wall.

"Please, just leave me alone." i whisper shuddering. I slide downtime wall and cover my head in my knees.

My bathroom door slams open and i lift my head to see a worried Aiden, Roman and Alina.

"Al, it's happening again. Why the fuck is it happening again?" I whisper breaking down as she sits down next to me and wraps her arms around me.

"I know baby girl. I'm sorry." I sob in her arms as the guys stand by the door.

Aidens gaze burns the left side of my face.

"Shit, my shift at the rink starts now babe, but if you want me to call off, i will." I shake my head sniffling.

"No you go. I'll be fine." She nods hugging me. Alina unwraps her arms around me and stands up. "I'll drop you off." Roman says  and she nods at him throwing a glance towards me.

"I'll stay with her." Aiden says at Alina and she nods at him.

Alina and Roman walk out leaving just me and Aiden. He walks towards me and sits down, with little space between us.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he whispers and i shake my head. "There is nothing to talk about. Everyone knows what happens, and during the  hard days I'm haunted by the memories." He nods pursing his lips together.

He will hurt you to Katerina. Jut like I did. Probably worse. I should have done worse.

Get out of my head. It's not real Kat. IT'S NOT REAL.

"I don't know what happened." Aiden says looking at me. My head snaps towards him. I see the honesty in his gaze. He really doesn't know. I wipe my tears away sniffling.

"You really dont?" I ask surprised he hasn't looked me up.

Aiden shakes his head and i nod. "Promise me you won't look me up. I'll tell you what happened, but i want to be the one to tell you, not the articles and their lies." Aiden nods lifting his pinky.

"Pinky promise?" He asks and I let out a laugh nodding wrapping my pinky around his.

I notice my thoughts have calmed and his voice has disappeared. Weird.

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