15: There is Room for Two Puppers in This Town

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It's puppy time bestieboos >:)))

Content warnings: Lesbians lesbianing???

Kate can barely keep in her squeal when she spots Yelena's beautiful akita for the first time, and the look on her face as she physically restrains herself from tackling the poor dog sends Yelena into a fit of giggles.

"Kate Bishop, this is my baby, Fanny. Fanny, that is my friend, Kate Bishop," Yelena introduces them, kneeling next to her dog and hugging her around the neck, happily ruffling her thick coat.

Kate coos and plops down onto the floor outside the door of her apartment. They had opted to keep Lucky in the dark for a moment while Kate got to fawn over the new addition. The archer offers her hand, and Fanny looks up to Yelena as if asking permission, and the blonde clicks her tongue and nudges her forward. "Go ahead, милый щенок."

Fanny bursts forward and tackles Kate to the ground, her entire body vibrating with her excitement as she climbs over the archer and licks at her face like she's trying to eat her. Kate laughs loudly and succumbs to the puppy barrage, wrapping her arms around Fanny to hug her tight. "Oh my godddd, you are the cutest fucking thing!"

A bark from Lucky inside the apartment reminds Kate of her own dog, and Fanny's head perks up before she runs to the door and sits in front of it patiently, tail whirling. They let her in, and Fanny darts inside like a shot, completely bowling Lucky over in a pile of fur and paws. Yelena and Kate watch amusedly as the two pups freeze and experimentally sniff each other before immediately tearing around the apartment in a game of tag.

"I was a little worried they wouldn't get along, I'm not gonna lie," Kate chuckles, propping her hip against the door frame. "I don't know how many interactions Lucky has had with other dogs before, and he's pretty used to being a street puppy."

Yelena's laugh echoes behind her, and the assassin's hands land on Kate's waist, firm and warm. "I need to get inside the apartment before Fanny finds something bad to snack on, Kate Bishop," she says as she gently scoots Kate forward and inches around her, bodies pressing together.

Kate stares at her when Yelena's hands fall away, her friend calling for Fanny and Lucky and laughing when the two dogs burst from nowhere, yipping happily. The warmth of the blonde lingers on her hips, and Kate wishes to herself that it would burn hotter.

Lucky trots up to her and pushes against her legs, snapping Kate awake. She smiles and closes the door behind her, following him over to her small main room and laying on the floor to let the two dogs maul her. Their squishy paws and cold noses distract her from the heat of Yelena's eyes.


"I think he has a crush on Fanny," Kate chuckles, chin propped up in her palms as she and Yelena watch the akita trot around the apartment, Lucky right on her heels with an adorable tilt to his head. He already knew the apartment inside and out, but pretended to be just as intrigued by every little thing to earn some brownie points.

"They would make a very adorable pairing," concedes Yelena, her smile soft and loving. Her eyes follow her dog until both pups disappear up into Kate's loft bedroom.

Kate's eyebrows shoot up and she scrambles to her feet, chasing after them. "I swear to god, if either of you eat a sock of mine-!"

Yelena laughs and flops back on the floor, basking in the midday sun streaming in. For early January, today was rather warm. Or maybe Yelena was feeling bubbly and safe and everything was a little brighter. Fanny and Kate were in close proximity- what more could she want, besides her sister?

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