24: The Arrow Doesn't Fly Far From the Tree

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I like to call him genderdad :3

Thank you so much for over 6k reads!!

Content warnings: you might get sad??? I'm getting really bad at these oml. They gotta talk about Tasha for pLoT and I said so

Clint's expression goes through a few changes after Yelena tumbles out onto the floor of his basically-daughter/partner's apartment. First, he looks exactly like the hero Kate grew up idolizing- calm and calculated, ready to fight and defend as needed. Second, when he realizes that neither Kate nor Yelena are looking threatened or hostile, his face morphs into a weary confusion. And third, when he notices the familiar, nervous glances they trade each other, something in his mind clicks, and he just gives a tired sigh, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm gonna make myself a cup of coffee," he mumbles, shuffling back into the kitchen and rummaging through a cupboard for a second to find the espresso machine. "You two figure yourselves out."

If only it were that easy.

Kate clears her throat and offers Yelena a hand up, her second adrenaline rush of the day slowly fading. The assassin stands and brushes herself off.

"I'm sorry, Kate Bishop," she says quietly for only the younger archer to hear. "It was very cramped in there and my hand slipped on the door." She spares a glance at Clint, who is leaning with his forehead on the cupboards in front of him as the coffee brews itself, looking very much like a tired dad. "Do you know why Barton is here?"

Kate shakes her head and runs a hand through her loose hair. "Apparently I missed some texts from him this morning."

"Typical Kate Bishop." Yelena's tone is teasing, and a soft smile is tugging at the corners of her mouth, melting the quip that Kate wanted to jab back at her.

"Um- do you promise you're not gonna try to kill him?" Kate mumbles, gently grabbing Yelena's elbow nervously.

The blonde frowns. "I promise, Kate Bishop."

"Okay. Okay- sorry, I just... yeah. Please don't kill each other." Yelena gives her a reserved nod, and Kate suddenly remembers their morning of sledding when the blonde winces slightly at the movement. "Oh shit- we still need to get you an ice pack." She hurries to her fridge and digs around for a moment in the freezer until she comes up with the best she can find- a bag of frozen peas. It'll do.

Yelena takes it with a grateful smile and ushers Kate up into her loft bedroom. "Go get changed into dry clothes, Kate Bishop," she instructs softly. The archer hesitates a moment, her eyes darting nervously between the two other people in her apartment. Yelena sighs and grabs Kate's hand, tugging her arm to make the other woman lean down so that she can press a swift kiss to her cheek.

"Go, Kate Bishop. It will be fine. You'll be back in only a minute."

Kate blinks furiously, eyes wide and cheeks blazing. She squeaks an okay and obeys without further comment, heading upstairs. Yelena watches her go, Lucky following her while Fanny stays dutifully with her mama, and then turns to see Clint watching her with shining eyes.

"Hello, Yelena," he says roughly, leaning back against the counter with a steaming mug in hand. He picks another one up from the bar and offers it to her. "Plain black, right?"

She watches him for a moment before accepting the drink, nodding slowly. "I hate black." Clint stiffens. "Thank you. It's my favorite. Reminds me of my papa." His shoulders sink back down.

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