26: Bodies are Made to Bleed

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Welcome back my friends I do love me some angst
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Content warnings: graphic fighting and violence, gore, blood, weapons, injury, death

With most of the reindeer roast eaten and both Clint and Yelena talked dry, the assassin stood from her chair and went around the table to offer the archer a handshake. Clint followed suit, but pulled Yelena into a hug at the last second, his arms wrapping around her shoulders.

Yelena stiffened but quickly melted into the embrace, eyes filled with tears as she held onto Clint with all her might.

"Thanks for not killin' me, kiddo," Clint muttered, patting the back of her head softly.

Yelena let out a soft sob and clung on tighter, burying her face into the collar of his jacket. "Thank you for helping me get to know her better," she whispered back.

A soft, choked up laugh. "Always, Yelena. Anytime." They broke away slowly after a moment, and Clint gave a wobbly smile before pulling a card from his wallet and offering it to her. "Contact me whenever, okay? Maybe you and Kate can come visit sometime."

Yelena grinned wide, her cheeks flushed as she hiccuped softly and took the card. "We'll see, Clint Barton."

He nodded gently and grabbed his coat off of his seat, throwing it on over his shoulders. "Welp- I have some other business to attend to, and knowing Kate, if she's anything like me, she's probably gotten into some trouble when she went out for air, so you might wanna go find her. But you'll be seeing more of me before I go back home, I assure you."

Yelena frowned slightly and tugged on Clint's sleeve when he turned to leave. "If you think Kate Bishop found trouble, aren't you going to help me look for her outside?"

Clint's smile is simple, his eyes warm. "She's probably okay. I trust you to take care of her."


Yelena waved as Clint's taxi drove off, and she watched it melt into the bright chaos of an NYC street until a sudden noise caught her attention. She flinched and whirled as a gunshot went off not too far away, and dread swamped her stomach as she ran towards the sound.

Kate Fucking Bishop...

Yelena rounded the corner of an alleyway to a scene of tracksuit-clad bodies scattered and slumped on the ground, and she felt the familiar killing-calm slip over her as she took in the rest of the situation. Kate was battered and bleeding and several yards away, pressed into the wall and ground by a Tracksuit with his beefy hand wrapped around the column of her throat and the muzzle of a gun resting against her head.

These men were going to die tonight.

She was a wraith, a shadow, no more than a wisp of wind as she moved so quickly anyone else would say she was super human. She picked up a discarded gun and aimed at the man holding her archer captive without hesitation.

"Say bye bye, bro," the man laughed mockingly, the gleam in his eye evident even through the darkness of the alley.

Yelena had only felt this kind of rage once before in her life, and it had been the night she had almost killed Clint Barton.

"Bye bye, bro," she spat, the words a venom seeping from her tongue. She shot. The man's head exploded in a spray of red as he fell, and a cruel, inhuman smile pulled at her lips. Yelena could already taste the blood in the air, a predator in her own right.

"You're all dead."


Killing had never been so easy. Not even when she was numb, and mindless, and broken. Not even when she had been so far gone that nothing could've possibly pulled her back. Because even then, she didn't have something to fight for. Something to protect.

Someone to save.

And Kate Bishop was hers to save.

The world was quiet around the small pocket of bloodshed that she created as she shot two of the men four times each- a bullet through both eyes, his heart, and his gut. They would not be coming back.

The three that were left were on their feet and barreling towards her, and the first died with a knife in his skull as Yelena slammed his body into the pavement with a sickening, wet crunch. She yanked the blade from his head, not even blinking as his blood sprayed and drenched her, and spun quickly, stabbing into the shoulder, stomach, and mouth of the next assailant in quick succession. Before his body could even fall, she grabbed the back of his head and the hair of the third and final Tracksuit, slamming their faces together and relishing in the sound of shattered skull bones.

They both dropped dead onto the ground, Yelena's fingers dripping with sticky red. Her chest heaved as she blankly scanned the crime scene, and once she had emptied the gun's magazine into the head of the last Tracksuit, she tucked the weapon into her coat and ran to Kate Bishop.

The archer was still sitting up but leaned heavily against the brick wall, an arm wrapped around her stomach and her free hand holding her throat as she struggled for breath. Yelena said nothing, only ensured that Kate wasn't in any danger of bleeding out before pulling the woman into her arms bridal style and leaving the scene as quickly as she could.

She heard sirens in the background and was distantly aware of the other people that had been in the alleyway, probably the reason Kate had jumped in in the first place. They had both been awake and breathing fine by the time Yelena left, though she knew they were likely irrevocably traumatized.

Hopefully they found a damn therapist.

How does everyone feel about that

I absolutely love Yelena getting to kill people I have way more fun with it than I probably should

Translations: none

Kate Bishop Counter: 4

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